Another 11 Ideas to Improve Your Flutter Skills Even Further (Roadmap)

Max Zimmermann 💡
7 min readMay 13, 2023


My article 16 Ideas on How to Improve Your Flutter Skills was received well and I got the feeling that many people are interested in finding new areas to expand their Flutter skills. While writing more articles on diverse topics I found more areas that are essential to becoming a better Flutter developer which I would like to share with you.

In the other article, I proposed to expand your knowledge in areas like automated testing, push notifications, and animations. This time the article not only contains technical ideas like CI/CD, and background threats but also other ways that help you as a developer as going to a meetup or writing a Medium article. So let’s start with the fun and if you want even more inspiration, take a look at my other article.


1. Go to a meetup

Attending a Flutter meetup is a great way to connect with other Flutter developers and learn more about the framework. Meetups provide opportunities to learn from experienced developers, ask questions, and network with other members of the community.

Flutter meetups are usually hosted by local community organizers and may feature talks, workshops, and networking events. Attending these events…



Max Zimmermann 💡

Flutter developer. I am excited about learning new things and sharing them with others.