Automated Functional Testing (An Overview for Mobile App Developers)

Use this classification to have a better understanding of automated functional testing!

Max Zimmermann 💡
6 min readJun 19, 2023
Created with DALL-E2

Table of Contents


All great apps want to ensure that all functionalities work as expected. This is especially true if a lot of money is on the line, e.g. for an online shop or a bank. Manual tests executed by humans can be used but they are tedious, cost a lot of money and bugs can be overseen. Automated tests verify a desired behavior executed by your machine or a pipeline.

This article covers automated functional tests. Functional tests verify not how the app behaves (e.g. how fast it is) but what it does. Does a function work as expected, does the button appear on a screen after a certain input and is it possible to start the app, select a product, and buy it? Different functional tests cover all these behaviors.



Max Zimmermann 💡

Flutter developer. I am excited about learning new things and sharing them with others.