Listofy — Collaborate on Lists

A new app from me that simplifies grocery shopping and other lists that you use together.

Max Zimmermann 💡
3 min readDec 23, 2023
App icon — Created with Dall-E

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I live with my girlfriend and we do our grocery shopping together. We used to write grocery shopping lists on paper but this has several disadvantages.

  • We can’t take it both with us so it has to stay at home.
  • If I think of something on the go, I can’t write it down.
  • In the supermarket, I would need a pencil to check a point off.

Then I searched on the App Store for apps and there are thousands of grocery shopping apps. They have some disadvantages.

  • They are too complex. I don’t need fancy categories and too many settings.
  • Most use too many annoying ads.
  • Some of them even try to influence your behavior. So if you search for ketchup, HEINZ ketchup will be suggested.

So I thought this would be a fun project.


Listofy solves these problems

  • It is simple.
  • It does not include any ads (yet).
  • It does not influence shopping behavior.
  • It can also be used for other cool things like a shared movie or activity list.



Max Zimmermann 💡

Flutter developer. I am excited about learning new things and sharing them with others.