Why being social person is important for a successful life?

Talk To Mohammed
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

The Traits & advantages of being social

The goal is provide social traits and to show the impact of being social to the success of life.

Photo from eventbrite.

One of the most personal traits that are shaping the individual identity is being social. socialization is a trait the we practice at work, school, home, and everywhere. It opens the doors of hearts, friendships, and also plays a big role in networking. Being Social plays a big role in health, income, and happiness.

We have seen in schools that social students are outstanding among their peers in terms of leading groups, speaking in public, and also doing presentations. Social students are not afraid of standing out in front of students. When I studied in United States in 2013, I was able to do a presentation in front of 25 students. I spoke in English language which is not my native language. Yes, at first, I was a bit stressed. But within a time, I trusted my social trait to overcome this issue. This has helped me joining groups such as Toastmasters.

When I think of my friends who are not socially emerged, their scores in school are lower because of their fear of reaction. They are afraid of being asked in front of students about their honest writing. This has led them not to get the best out of their minds. In return, their scores are not that high.

One way to overcome this is to be surrounded by social people and make a try of what you are afraid of. Try to break the fear of joining study groups. It is not the end of the world.

We can’t deny the fact that there are non-social individuals who are successful, but they still embracing being social such as Bill Gates, is an an introvert individual who values being alone and work quietly. This is maybe because he was a programmer which is a job requires spending time alone programming. Gates, who is an introvert, has i

Impact on Income

thoughts on the money

According to a research conducted by MassMutual, covered 10,000 people, people who engage more with their communities are more likely to have better financial habits such as saving, budgeting, and loan payment than their non-social peers.

At work,Social skills such as emotional intelligence and social influence has been in top of the skills for the the last year, and expected to remain at the top for the next couple of years.

Impact on Health and Happiness

A research conducted among 271,053 adults resulted that friendships, as well as familial relationships, an influence on health and well-being across the lifespan.

I have always heard and read, you may as well, from psychotherapists that socializing has always been one of the major elements of recovery and being happy. If you do not believe socializing is part of being happy, then you should ask yourself why friends meet on weekends to get out of work stress.

I hope you all enjoyed my writing.

Stay Hungry, Stay Social.



Talk To Mohammed

I care about people. That’s why I’m specialized in Human Development. Interests:I Businesses I Reading I Cultures I Travel