Talking to AI: and how it changes the way we search for information

Milene Amoriello Spolador
About Product
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2023

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed the way people search for information online. Gone are the days of simply typing a keyword into a search engine and sifting through pages of results. Today, AI-powered search tools like ChatGPT are changing the game, providing users with more personalized and accurate results than ever before.

First of all: for the first time we are actually talking to an Artificial Intelligence, sending messages, including more information or correcting a previous one and even though the AI understands you, continue the conversation, and consider all the new information you bring.

Have you already tried to do this with Alexa or Google Assistant? I did: with Alexa is one question at a time and she doesn’t remember your previous question. With Google Assistant my best result was 2 questions in sequence about the same topic that he was able to somehow connect the dots, but in the third question he didn’t remember what we were talking about.

For a science fiction fan like me this is amazing, because yes, even with all the limitations ChatGPT still has, for the first time, I am having conversations with a machine that brings me answers, improves the results based on new input, and also is happy to know that I am having a nice cup of coffee while we chat — maybe I should give her/him a name.

And by the way, she is finding it very interesting to talk to humans:

Me: how it is to talk to humans? ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don"t have personal experiences like humans do, so I cannot give a first-hand account of what it"s like to talk to other humans. However, based on what I have lerned from tedxt-based interactions with humans, I can say that talking to humans can vary greatly depending on the individuals involved, their communication style, personalities, and other factors. Some conversations can be engaging, informative, and even life-changing

But let’s talk a little bit about how this new model will impact our behavior when we are searching for information.

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT is that it speeds up the search process, reducing the need for users to navigate through numerous pages and click on multiple links before they find the information they need. This is particularly important given the decreasing attention span of internet users. According to a recent study, the average attention span of an internet user is only 8 seconds, meaning that users are likely to abandon a search (and a website) if they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly. By providing fast and accurate responses to user queries, ChatGPT ensures that users stay engaged and find the information they need without the necessity to go anywhere else.

Another way that AI is impacting the behavior of information searching is by providing more detailed and informative answers. Traditional search engines rely on keywords and links to generate results, which can lead to superficial or incomplete responses, and sometimes you need to try more than one keyword in order to have some relevant content presenter to you (after some clicks, of course).

ChatGPT, on the other hand, uses natural language processing to understand the meaning and context of a query, allowing it to provide more nuanced and comprehensive answers that take into account the user’s intent and context. This can help users find the information they need more quickly — literally making a question and receiving an answer — , and also improve their overall understanding of a topic without the necessity to click anywhere else (and have you ever stopped to think how this can affect business models that are based basically on clicks and page views?).

And it is quite clear that this technology is already being used by people in order to learn something and discuss more philosophical subjects. Doubt it? Look at what ChatGPT itself answered when I asked what were the most interesting questions it had received (and yes, we are already saying “can you teach me something?”):

It is interesting to think that we are learning from Artificial Intelligence and it also learns from us from our questions, inputs, complementary comments — so far it seems it is a two-way street.

At this point I can’t help but remember that Isaac Asimov noted in his book “I, Robot,” AI may be logical, but it lacks true human rationality.

From my point of view, Isaac Asimov’s observation suggests that humans and AI are somehow complementary, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. While AI may excel in tasks that require logical reasoning and pattern recognition, humans possess a unique form of rationality that stems from our emotions, experiences, and creativity. Humans are also able to make value judgments, consider ethical implications, and navigate complex social situations, which are areas where AI struggles. By recognizing these complementary strengths and weaknesses, humans and AI can work together to achieve better outcomes in a variety of domains, from health to finance to education.

Starting this week I will publish a sequence of articles exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on content creation and the possible impacts on SEO strategies. I will also talk a bit about the human side of artificial intelligence, ethics and AI, and digress on what we can expect.

Leave your point of view and also subjects you would like to be covered within this context — let’s not forget to exchange ideas from human to human as well.



Milene Amoriello Spolador
About Product

Senior Product Manager | Digital Innovation, Strategic Planning | Product & Career Development Mentor