Hussein AbuHassan and LENX — The AI Future of Security

Mikaela Ashcroft
4 min readOct 30, 2023

It was the fear of seeing others in danger that plagued him when he woke from his double lung transplant. And it was the gnawing realization that he could actually do something about it.

Where it began

Hussein AbuHassan was always interested in security. From his days at Culver Academy to his involvement in tech and innovation starting in 2001, the drive to secure has always moved him.

But life dealt a blow, and he found himself interred at a hospital facing possible complications from a double lung transplant.

The surgery was a wake-up call, a moment of clarity. With years in the tech industry and the still-new AI creating a veritable storm of innovation, Hussein connected the gap between security and tech, creating a platform that utilized artificial intelligence to protect the innocent — a combination made in the stars.

And LENXwas born.

LENX — innovation for emergencies

Emergency services are a priority. But calls to 911 are slow and often too late. Miscommunications — like a lack of an address or a simple misstatement of the emergency — can mean the difference between life and death. Mental health crises are responsible for up to 38% of emergency calls, yet there are few — if any — emergency services. And those available remain unpredictable.

One of the biggest areas of concern is schools and universities. Returning to schools after the COVID lockdowns have many worrying. Since mental health has declined so rapidly, who’s to say that mental health won’t significantly affect those returning to in-person classes?

It’s a sobering reality.

But what if there was a service that could eliminate misunderstandings? A system that could identify problems in real time?

Hussein’s LENX reduces those problems significantly using AI. It’s a technology he’s built from the ground up, thoroughly vetting to ensure it performs at its peak. Because, in an emergency, every second counts. In an emergency, real-time threat assessments make all the difference.

And AI offers immediate results.

Immediate communication to the right emergency services, situation analysis, and machine learning are the first steps to creating software that will make calls in dangerous circumstances, and LENX navigates those complications better than any other systems in the security industry.

Overcoming the hurdles

But how is AI incorporated into most systems? If you’re like most people, you’ve likely heard the familiar phrase, “step into the scanner.” And, since “AI” is the new buzz term, most security companies include it in their marketing. But it’s hardly AI.

And the companies that do use AI often tack on privacy clauses so buried in the terms and conditions that most people don’t find them. Those keeping up with the ethics of AI often call foul play on all AI incorporated into a system.

Those misconceptions are some of the most difficult to overcome for Hussein. And it’s why he’s designed LENX as a cut above the rest.

LENX systems are integrated into a company’s already established systems, and there is no live streaming. No one is jotting down personal data. In fact, the system remains off until it recognizes a threat. And all information gathered by the AI is personally kept within the company using the system, none of which is stored in a larger LENX database.

But LENX is so much more.

Picture this: a suspect walks into a school and passes through a scanner, smiling to himself. As he moves into the school, his sharp, plastic knife hidden well and undetectable by a metal scanner.

Now imagine a system suddenly activated when a weapon is detected. As the suspect walks through the school, an alarm sounds to security personnel, channeling the right emergency systems. Once the suspect is detained, the system shuts off, removing the possibility of accessing unauthorized information. Chalk another win up to the LENX system.

Defining the scope

Hussein’s ingenious design is already in production, and it does much more than detect standard weapons. It detects anything users want it to do. Smoke, clubs, knives. LENX can detect them all using machine learning to adapt to new situations.

Columbia and Panama have incorporated LENX into their systems to ports and tourist-heavy locations.

The US and Canada are in talks to incorporate LENX into governmental systems.

Middle Eastern private contractors are tripping over themselves to get a taste of this revolution in AI innovation.

Of course, that’s not the end. If all goes to plan, Hussein hopes his system will appear on 5 continents, becoming THE name for security.

The man, the legend

But it’s never been about the fame for Hussein AbuHassan. It’s always been about safety. Living in a world free from fear. Creating a future that ensures the safety of children and young adults in school. Providing a landscape of security that future generations can enjoy.

With his recent OMNIA Partners award, he’ll likely make it happen.

Hussein is leading the charge in AI security. And who knows? You may see the LENXlogo in a location near you soon.

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