Everything You Know about Information is Wrong

Dimas Prabowo
4 min readApr 2, 2022


Illustration of information
Illustration of information (mozajka.com)

Information is not what you think it is. In fact, you yourself is an information.

Almost everyday in your life, you watch news, smell your food, listen to another, or feel your skin. But I dare you, you will only consider watching news as “information”. We were constructed by the society to perceive that the news on TV or online media as “information”. But, is it really true?

We often consider news, a report, a data as information. It’s often go to an extent that the news is the only information out there. But sorry, that’s the media companies want you to think. They want you to make them as the only way to know the world, even to know yourself.

News is just a form of information
News is just a form of information (peco.com)

I think it’s the time for someone to speak it out. Maybe you won’t find explanation like this anywhere (but correct me if I’m wrong). Yes, it’s true that news made by media is information. But that’s not the sole definition of information. So, what’s actually an information?

Information in its core essence is a pattern. Everything has its own distinctive pattern, down to subatomic level. Let’s say you have a spoon of ash, a spoon of pure carbon. It’s weak, it’s dirty, and mostly useless for you. Press it in high pressure and high temperature, it will be diamond. A precious thing for sure.

But, diamond is still carbon. It’s just arranged in different pattern than a spoon of pure ash. It’s the same carbon, but in different shape and price. It is the carbon pattern that makes diamond pricey. It is the pattern (information) that makes diamond, well, diamond. Pattern makes value.

A diamond
Unique carbon pattern that makes diamond valuable (asset-a.grid.id)

In your daily life, if you work, you actually makes money by making information. Even if you don’t work on media company, this is true. Let’s make another example why you actually live on information:

  • If you work as a data scientist, you arrange data more accessible.
  • If you work as a content writer, you arrange words as a profitable article for your company.
  • If you work as an engineer, you arrange numbers and calculation to make technical things to be as precise as possible.
  • If you work as a driver, you arrange your vehicle direction to reach your destination safely and in time.

Look, is there anything similar among those four jobs?

Yes, work is actually to arrange something into something. Work is an information-making. It pays your food, your fuel, even your bill. In a sentence, you work by arranging information for profitable purpose. Your boss pays you because you arrange something for them.

Work is essentially turning information into another information (cohive.space)

Information is not what you think it is. In fact, you yourself is an information. You are a pattern of organized organic molecules, driven by evolutionary processes. You are a successful biological information by the means of million years of evolution. Since you were born, you were a successful being.

Yeah, things get trickier this time. Basically, you are an information who makes information. But hey, life is already tricky, isn’t it? But there is one thing for sure, you are a successful information. You are not a failure, even if you think so.

Successful person
You are a successful information (shopplax.com)

So, wake up and make more better information for the sake of you and another successful information out there!

Or maybe you’ve been thinking about giving up. Don’t worry, I have another good story to clear your mind:

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Best regards for your life.




Dimas Prabowo

Bachelor of Sciences. A man of culture. Marketer & content creator. Simply short and deep story for you. Follow me on Instagram/twitter: @mbdp14.