Just Keep Digging!

Dimas Prabowo
2 min readMar 18, 2022


Keep digging!
You won’t get what you want if you don’t dig further (David McElroy)

You never know what will you face tomorrow. It’s true for most people, and also for you. Life is so complicated yet simple. What you have to do is to play it well.

Some of you may now feel disappointed of life. It’s normal, it’s so humane. Disappointment is a part of daily life. The important thing is that you have to dig.

Life has its own way. It’s full of surprise. Some people try hard, yet they don’t get what they want. Some don’t even try, but they always get what they want. That’s okay, you’re not alone.

If you’re someone who don’t even try for anything, but always get what you want, that’s great. But if you always try hard, but always never close to your target, it’s honestly hard to face.

Yet you must keep digging. You never know how close your target is. It’s because the word “target” is literally abstract. It has no concrete form. What you have to do is to reach it with all your strength. Keep digging.

Target is abstract
Target is an abstract thing (Wdrfree)

Consistency is the key of liberty. The freedom of your life, your target, is decided by how consistent you are. Yes, you’ve tried hard but didn’t come up with anything. But as life have said, keep digging.

Maybe you’re an hour apart, a meter apart, or a step apart from your target. You never know when and where, but if you’re consistent with what you’re doing, you’ll get to it. Just keep digging.

You weren’t born with a “manual book for life”. In fact, you were born with just yourselves, or with all you’ve got. That’s not a problem. We are all have gone through a phase in life when we almost give up.

But, keep digging
Dig! , until all you want is yours.
Dig! , like there’s no tomorrow.
Dig!, with all your strength.

Believe me. Keep digging. You will get to it.

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Best regards for your life.




Dimas Prabowo

Bachelor of Sciences. A man of culture. Marketer & content creator. Simply short and deep story for you. Follow me on Instagram/twitter: @mbdp14.