🇬🇧 How to make ChatGPT a great Ally in our life?

Francesca Fuentes
7 min readJul 17, 2023


Currently, there is great controversy about chatGPT, artificial intelligence, and technology in general. I firmly believe that all these advancements are here to stay, they are not something we can resist. Here I will quote Charles Darwin (1809–1882), who enlightened us with the following sentence that represents everything I discuss in this article:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Should We Fear Change?

Historically, every advance we have experienced, the 3 major industrial revolutions, the evolution in our everyday life, has led many professions to disappear or undergo changes in how they are carried out. Sometimes it has been a technological phase that has led us to automate certain processes, and other times, it’s just that our life has changed in needs and now it is not essential to have certain jobs that were previously.

As you can see, this is not necessarily about AI or technology. It’s about being aware of our environment and evolving in sync, and not getting stuck looking to the past. Perhaps, we should be a kind of “visionaries” of our environment and how it changes. Change with it, adapt to it.

This leads me to the following question:

How Do We Look at Technology?

In my opinion, it’s all about perspective, I believe we will benefit from technology based on how we think of it.

Do we see technology as a destroyer? → In this case, I, Robot.

Or on the contrary, do we see it as a Jarvis/Friday/Veronica, the ally that will help us in all our missions?

Frankly, I think I lean towards the second option, undoubtedly.

So, with this in mind, the option that will benefit us most is to think of great technological advances as a great ally that facilitates and speeds up our daily tasks. And instead of rejecting technology, seek ways to complement ourselves more and more with it.

Therefore, I believe we should not fear change, as human activities will always be necessary. There are abilities that only humans can provide, and they are tremendously required, that plus the adaptation to technology, will always make us needed in many aspects, especially in the workplace.

  • Empathy
  • Creativity
  • Ability to solve unexpected problems

These abilities will always be necessary.

In recent weeks I have heard many conversations, read Twitter threads, articles on LinkedIn, etc. About chatGPT and the propensity that exists to “take away our jobs”. It’s funny, for me it’s simple, if a professional <<in this case I’ll talk about IT professionals>> in development, data…, doesn’t know their job well, no matter how much they search and apply the most optimized prompts, they will not know how to apply a code, for example. It will be very useful for very simple things, but when the complexity of their tasks begins to grow, they will not be able to carry them out efficiently.

On the contrary, if a professional knows well what they are doing, even if they are just beginning their professional journey, they will be able to determine if the result returned by ChatGPT is on the right track or not, and will know how to modify it, if necessary, and apply it, obviously.

ChatGPT needs a validator, and that validator is HUMAN

Recently, I saw a talk, it’s a TedTalk called “Learning to Learn” (it’s in Spanish), where the speaker <<Pato Bichara>> talks among other things, about historical teaching, and how the method we have experienced is strongly tied to the industry and how it has affected, for the same reason, in the working world. He mentions that education has been based on teaching, which is a passive verb, and not on learning, which is an active verb. He talks about the professionals of yesterday and TODAY and their differences. At some point in the talk, he talks about adaptation, among other things, with technology. And he makes an analogy that I liked a lot. He asks the spectators if we want to be professionals of yesterday or today?

Do we want to be told by the machine what to do or, do we want to be the ones who tell the machine what to do?

Would you be ready to include it in your life now?

The use of ChatGPT is not only applicable to the tech world, we can make it a help in everything that pertains to our life. We can benefit in various topics, here are some examples if you want to take the step and try firsthand:


ChatGPT can be used as a very good educational resource. For example, if you are a student and need help with the concepts you are studying, you can ask ChatGPT to explain these concepts in a different way. In addition, you can use it to get help with homework, generate ideas for essays and projects, and even practice languages. Here are some examples:

  • Understanding or learning about a specific topic:
  • If you want to learn languages:

Writing and Creativity:

ChatGPT can help overcome the so-called “writer’s block” by generating new ideas and suggestions to continue with your writing. It can help you write emails, blog articles, stories, scripts… You can also use it to get ideas for creative projects. Here is an example:

  • Email drafting:


A point where we often fail and do not know how to solve. Here ChatGPT can help you be more productive in your work or in your personal life. For example, you can use it to plan and organize your tasks, generate checklists and help you set and achieve your goals. Here is an example:

  • Daily routine planning:

Technical advice:

If you are a developer or work in a technical field, you can use ChatGPT as a resource to get suggestions and advice on how to solve technical problems. Here is an example:

  • Code snippet optimization:

Emotional Support:

This point is very interesting, and although ChatGPT cannot replace a mental health professional, it can be very useful to provide a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings. Many times we keep everything inside us and it leads us to feel worse and worse and not know how to control our beliefs and feelings. On this topic, ChatGPT can provide you with some suggestions and strategies for stress management and self-compassion. Here are some examples:

  • Stress management techniques:
  • Recommendation of books that may be helpful:

Of course, these examples I have provided are just some of how you can include ChatGPT in your life, both work and personal. In my opinion, I believe that the real key to making the most of ChatGPT is understanding that it is a tool designed to complement your own skills and knowledge, and not to replace human thought and judgement.

And I just have to ask: now what do you think about ChatGPT? Is it an enemy or an ally?

If you know someone who might be interested in this article in Spanish and want to share, I leave you the following link: 🇪🇸 ¿Cómo hacer de ChatGPT un gran Aliado en nuestra vida?

