The Heart of Resilience: A Story of War, Disaster, and Hope in a Culturally Rich Land.

Ghaith al Seirawan
6 min readFeb 11, 2023


Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a culturally rich and beautiful land plagued by war for over a decade. The enemy they fought was internal rather than external. The conflict left deep scars on the hearts and minds of those who survived it. Everyone is impacted in one way or another. Resources that would otherwise be used for production and economic growth were (and still are) diverted to military efforts to combat citizens’ will for freedom. Leaving civilians without access to basic necessities such as food, water, energy, and healthcare. In a country with one hour of daily allowance for electricity, the destruction of infrastructure and industries led to high levels of unemployment and poverty. Inflation and scarcity of goods drove up prices, reducing purchasing power to choking rates.

Image: Olympia

Additionally, the profound psychological effects on individuals and communities left people paralyzed. Science says that violence and loss lead to long-term mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. At the same time, displacement and the breakdown of social networks can erode a sense of community and belonging. While reflecting on history, these circumstantial factors are costly and will affect future generations. But despite their hardships, people have shown resilience and never lost their spirit. Their actions expand the historical record of human beings’ ability to endure challenging circumstances and adapt to tough environments.

Image: picture alliance/AP Photo/K.Al-Issa

I cried tears of sadness and exhaustion as I sat down to pen a brief account of shocking events for future generations. My eyes are now dry, but the memories of the war still linger. The people of this region had to learn to adapt to the harsh realities of life, but they never lost hope for a brighter tomorrow. They cherished each day as a gift and persevered through their struggles, finding contentment in the midst of hardships and scarcity. Their sacrifices have left me speechless and heartbroken.

As I write this narrative, I am filled with gratitude and pride in their strength and resilience. I hope future generations will be inspired by their parents' heroic stories and never forget the sacrifices made to secure a peaceful future. A future yet to come, and I believe it is coming, no matter what.

Image: AFP

Part 2

The memories of war and its impact were still fresh in people’s minds when disaster struck once again. A powerful earthquake of a magnitude higher than homes can bear struck the region, causing widespread destruction and chaos. People ran out of their homes in the middle of a cold night, screaming in fear and crying without tears. Observing the videos reported in the media, I saw dull and sunken eyes, faces etched with pain, and a hunched posture. Tears were long gone, consumed by fear; there were no more tears to shed. Lost and disconnected, wandering through life in a blur. Their homes were destroyed, roads were blocked, and communication lines were cut off, leaving many trapped and helpless. The damage was widespread and devastating. People were trapped under the rubble and were crying out for help. But as they tried to reach out to the outside world, they encountered an unexpected and cruel reality.

The devastating earthquake shook the land, revealing some individuals’ cruel and malevolent nature. Big Brother, a towering figure of tyranny, saw the disaster as an opportunity to unleash his wrath and settle longstanding grudges. With a flick of his wrist, he mobilized his army of minions to block the path of aid and rescue teams, leaving the door shut on assistance for over four million helpless souls. The people already struggling to survive in the aftermath of the quake were now left to suffer in agony, bereft of the basic necessities of life and the ease of human kindness. The cries of the wounded echoed through the rubble-strewn streets, their pleas for help falling on deaf ears as the Big Brother revelled in his newfound passion. What a shame!

Image: Ghaith Alsayed / AP

As the days wore on, the situation in the aftermath of the earthquake worsened with each passing moment. People were caught in a living nightmare as they watched their loved ones slowly wither from hunger, thirst, and cold. The wounded were in dire need of medical attention. But no help was forthcoming. The land had once again turned into a war zone. In the face of such overwhelming tragedy, humanity seemed to have abandoned these poor souls. Desperate and hopeless, people began to lose faith in any way they could.

Big Brother’s manipulation of humanitarian aid not only exacerbated the suffering of the people but also transformed it into a tool for political leverage, as he used it to tighten his grip on power and silence dissent. The people were held hostage to his whims; their basic needs and survival depended on his mercy. At the same time, people saw how some started to sell the aid received in the capital. The tragedy of the earthquake had become just another means for Big Brother to further his interests and solidify his hold on the land.

Part 3

Amidst all the chaos and destruction, there were some shining examples of courage and compassion. A group of brave volunteers, disregarding the dangers, decided to help the affected people regardless of the evil intentions and wrongdoing of the big brother demons. They managed to sneak into some places and distribute food, water, and medicine. Also, with limited equipment, they searched for survivors, rescued those trapped under the rubble, and provided comfort and solace to the injured and the bereaved.

Image: molhamteam

The earthquake tested the people’s resilience and humanity, bringing out the worst and the best in people. But it also revealed the strength and kindness of humanity. Despite the devastation, it showed that hope still prevails even in the toughest times. The selfless acts of volunteers touched hearts, and their bravery will always be remembered. The outpouring of support and aid from nations worldwide, including a 5 euros donation from a 14-year-old girl, adds to millions, demonstrating the power of collective action to change.

In the face of overwhelming challenges, these acts of generosity instill hope and remind us that we are not alone. Whenever I think of the powerful authority entitled to “big brother," it leaves me feeling caged; nonetheless, witnessing the community’s collective efforts brings me a sense of hope.

It is crucial for everyone to have a clear understanding of the facts and to call attention to them. Addressing the challenges at hand requires a collective effort both nationally and internationally. However, politics prioritize self-interest over the greater good, leading to a lack of meaningful action. Despite their rhetoric about human rights, these values are often only upheld within their own country, neglecting the rights of others. To overcome this, it is up to the people to take action and work together towards a common goal of peaceful coexistence and rebuilding an inhabitable home. This requires the input and expertise of knowledgeable individuals and the collaboration of competent people towards a shared objective.

As fellow human beings, it is our responsibility to stand in solidarity with those who have been affected by disasters, whether natural or man-made, and to work towards a better and brighter future for all. We must never forget the wisdom of Albert Einstein’s words:

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

Let’s do the right thing.

The End.

Note: For clarity and linking specific events, this narrative focuses on the experiences of one particular nation. However, my heartfelt sympathies go out to all individuals who have been directly or indirectly affected by the Feb 2023 earthquake, regardless of their religion, nationality, skin colour, or political beliefs.



Ghaith al Seirawan

I studied cognitive science and artificial intelligence.