“My secret weapon” — makes it easier for a customer to leave a review on Amazon!

Mark Ian Norsbook
Norsbook’s KDP Journey
6 min readFeb 5, 2024


Would you like to be able to do something like this?

Free custom made QR-code with logo

Or this? As I have just uploaded to my latest coloring book on Amazon.

One way to present it. It’s just the format I use in my books.

I am very envious of those who were early adopters on Amazon KDP, as they can include their email addresses and links to their own websites in their author profiles on Amazon. Moreover, they can even include QR codes and email addresses in their books. I have seen examples of them being placed on the back covers of books, allowing readers to easily scan them using the preview feature. What an advantage! 😊

Unfortunately, that’s no longer allowed. You can promote your Amazon profile and books outside of Amazon and link to them, but it does require a lot of hard work to build followers and email lists. However, you are not allowed to go the other way, linking from your books or author profile to external websites, as described above. 😒

I’ve been in contact with Amazon because I wanted to do the same, but believe me, that door has been closed for a long time. For reasons I cannot fathom, Amazon probably doesn’t want to allocate resources to it…

