What is Knee Scooters and how to use it?

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2 min readFeb 11, 2020

Best Knee scooters (also called knee walkers or platform walkers) have provided an innovative alternative to crutches, canes and regular walkers. Scooters have allowed their users to move easier, safer, and with less pain than other mobility devices. To use a knee scooter, simply lock the hand brakes, grasp the handlebars, mount your injured leg onto the knee platform rest, unlock the brakes and begin to move using your unaffected leg to propel forward or backward–swivel handlebars provide for easy steering.

Knee scooters are designed to increase mobility and safety for those who are struggling with either permanently disabled or temporarily injured foot or ankle and find it hard or impossible to bear any weight on that side. It aids a person in waiting for surgery or recovery by allowing them to keep doing daily activities.

Knee scooter allows people to move about without the pain and discomfort of using crutches.

When using crutches most of your body weight rests in your arms–with a knee scooter, you use your leg muscles to move while providing your injured leg non-weight bearing rest.

Similarly, knee scooters allow their users to be hands free. Imagine being able to stand, rest your injured leg, and cook a meal–the knee scooter allows for that.

Now how to use this scoter?

  1. Make sure that the hand brakes are locked so that the scooter remains stationary.
  2. Place both hands on the handle bars.
  3. Mount your affected (injured) leg onto the knee platform. Keep your unaffected leg on the ground next to the scooter.
  4. Ensure that you are stable and balanced.
  5. Unlock the hand brakes.
  6. Use your ground leg to push yourself and the scooter forward or backward.
  7. When wanting to stop, apply weight with your unaffected leg onto the ground and use it to stop yourself–do not attempt to stop using the hand brakes.
  8. Once stopped, lock the hand brakes so that the scooter remains stationary.
  9. Keep your hands on the handlebars as you step off of the scooter.



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