Family Time and Learning During Winter Break: Embracing the Joy of Tenali Rama

M Manjarishar
2 min readDec 30, 2023


Winter break — a time when the chill in the air is often warmed by the joy of family togetherness. This winter, my family and I have embarked on a special journey, one filled with laughter, learning, and a dash of timeless wisdom, thanks to the delightful episodes of Tenali Rama.

Celebrating My Son’s Inventive Spirit
As my son nears his 7th birthday, I am continually amazed by his boundless energy and creativity. Whether he’s crafting imaginative blogs or transforming empty boxes and packets into something magical, his innovative spirit is a constant source of inspiration.

The Enchanting World of Tenali Rama
Our recent venture into watching “Tenali Rama” episodes has been a decision I cherish deeply. This series, rooted in moral stories, not only entertains but also educates. The adventures of Tenali Rama, a legendary poet known for his wit and wisdom in the court of King Krishnadevaraya, offer timeless lessons that I believe are essential for every child.

Lessons of Life in Every Episode
Each episode of Tenali Rama imparts valuable morals — be it honesty, intelligence, or the importance of good judgement. These stories are more than just tales; they are life lessons woven into the fabric of entertaining narratives.

A Tryst with Pure Hindi
An unexpected yet delightful outcome of our Tenali Rama marathons has been our family’s newfound love for pure Hindi. In a world where languages often meld into one another, losing their essence, the show has reintroduced us to the beauty of unadulterated Hindi. It’s heartwarming to hear my son use pure Hindi words in his sentences, embracing the language in its true form.

More Than Just Entertainment
This winter break, Tenali Rama has become more than just a source of entertainment; it’s a medium of bonding and learning for our family. As we watch, discuss, and sometimes enact the episodes, we’re not just entertained; we’re growing together, learning together, and appreciating our rich cultural heritage.

In conclusion, these winter days spent with family, filled with the joyous and wise tales of Tenali Rama, have been a blessing. They remind us that sometimes, the best way to teach important values to our children is through stories that have stood the test of time. And as we bond over these tales, we’re creating our own family stories, ones that will be cherished and recounted for many winters to come.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.