Focusing on the Right Things: Guiding the Next Generation

M Manjarishar
2 min readJan 11, 2024


In an age where distractions are plentiful and the pressure to succeed is immense, it’s easy for people, particularly the younger generation, to lose focus or concentrate on the wrong things. This can lead to unfulfilled potential or, in worse cases, life paths that veer off course. The challenge is even more acute for teenagers, who are in a crucial phase of self-discovery and often resist guidance from their loved ones like parents or guardians.

Understanding the Teenage Mindset
Teenagers are at a stage where they’re developing their identities and asserting their independence. This natural process often manifests as a reluctance to listen to parental advice. It’s a delicate balance for parents and guardians to strike: how do you guide someone who may not want to be guided?

The Art of Subtle Guidance
Lead by Example: Actions speak louder than words. If you want your teenager to focus on the right things, show them how it’s done. Your behavior and choices can be a powerful influence.

Open Communication: Foster an environment where open and non-judgmental communication is encouraged. Let them feel heard and understood rather than lectured.

Encourage Self-Discovery: Provide opportunities for them to explore their interests and passions. This can help them focus on positive activities and develop a sense of purpose.

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand their capabilities and limitations. Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and a loss of focus.

Teach the Value of Failure: Help them understand that failure is a part of learning and growth. It teaches resilience and the importance of staying focused on their goals.

Empower Them with Responsibility: Giving them responsibilities helps in building their self-esteem and understanding the importance of staying focused on the task at hand.

Tackling Digital Distractions
In today’s digital age, one of the biggest challenges is managing the impact of technology and social media. It’s essential to teach teenagers how to use these tools responsibly and not let them become sources of unhealthy distractions.

Set Boundaries: Have clear rules about screen time and social media use.
Educate About Online Safety: Make them aware of the potential risks and the importance of maintaining a healthy digital footprint.
Encourage Offline Activities: Promote hobbies and activities that don’t involve screens to help them find balance.

Conclusion: A Collective Responsibility
Raising a focused and successful next generation is a collective responsibility. It requires patience, understanding, and adaptability from parents and guardians. By guiding them gently toward recognizing and focusing on the right things, we can help them navigate the complexities of their teenage years and lay a strong foundation for their future. Remember, every young person is different, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to remain connected, supportive, and, most importantly, patient.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.