My Joy, My Energy: The Sources of My Strength

M Manjarishar
2 min readDec 29, 2023


In the journey of life, we often encounter challenges that test our resilience and spirit. For me, the strength to face these challenges comes from various sources, each unique and invaluable. In this blog, I want to share these sources of energy and joy that have been my pillars in life.

Divine Inspiration: Hanuman Ji
First and foremost, my spiritual beliefs play a crucial role. Hanuman Ji, a deity revered for his strength and devotion, has always been a guiding light. His tales of bravery and service inspire me to face obstacles with courage and a sense of duty.

The Unconditional Love of Family
My family has been my unwavering support system. The love and guidance of my parents, the warmth of my mother-in-law and father-in-law, and the companionship of my brother have been instrumental in shaping who I am. Their belief in me boosts my confidence to take on life’s challenges.

The Love of My Life
The love of my life deserves special mention. He is not just a partner but a source of constant encouragement, helping me see the brighter side of things even in the toughest times.

The Place of My Work: A Source of Endless Inspiration
My workplace is more than just a job; it’s a fountain of energy. Here, I am surrounded by brilliant minds and young spirits. My students, with their smiles and eagerness to learn and change the world, are a daily reminder of why I do what I do. Their spirit for adventure, both in and outside the classroom, is contagious.

Building Relationships at Work
The quality time spent with my colleagues is another source of joy. The relationships I’ve formed here are chosen and nurtured by me, often transcending traditional bonds and sometimes even surpassing blood relations in their depth and understanding.

The Essence of My Joy and Energy
In essence, my joy and energy come from a blend of divine inspiration, familial love, romantic companionship, and the fulfillment I derive from my profession. These aspects of my life synergize to give me the strength to face any challenge head-on and emerge stronger.

Each of these sources of strength is a testament to the richness of life and the diverse ways in which we can find inspiration and energy. Whether it’s through divine faith, the love of family, or the satisfaction of a fulfilling career, the essence of our strength often lies in the connections we nurture and the beliefs we hold dear.

So, to everyone reading this, remember that your source of energy might just be around the corner, in the smiles of those you teach, the hands you hold, or the quiet prayers you whisper. Find it, cherish it, and let it fuel your journey through life.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.