Navigating the Dynamic Shifts in University Education: Insights from My Teaching Career Since 2008

M Manjarishar
2 min readDec 29, 2023


As a university educator who embarked on my teaching journey in 2008, I’ve had the opportunity to witness and contribute to the dynamic shifts in university education. Through this blog, I’d like to share my experiences and reflections on how teaching practices and student roles have evolved over the past 15 years.

The Emergence of Interactive Learning (2008–2010)
When I started teaching in 2008, the educational landscape was on the cusp of transformation. The traditional lecture-focused approach was gradually giving way to more interactive methods. This period was characterized by an increased emphasis on student-teacher interactions, reflecting a global trend towards a more engaging educational environment.

Integration of Online Platforms (2010–2020)
The next decade marked a significant shift towards the integration of online platforms in education. The advent of social media and digital tools began to reshape how knowledge was delivered and received. As a teacher, I observed and adapted to these changes, recognizing the potential of online learning to offer time-saving, personalized educational experiences.

The Pandemic and the Surge of Online Education (2020–2021)
The unprecedented arrival of COVID-19 accelerated the adoption of online education. The pandemic forced us to rethink and rapidly adapt our teaching methods, transitioning from traditional classrooms to virtual platforms. This era highlighted the flexibility and resilience of online learning, leading to a broader acceptance and validation of various educational formats, including distance and online learning.

The Current Landscape: Student Innovation and Financial Literacy (2023)
In 2023, the role of students in the educational ecosystem has transformed dramatically. They are no longer just passive learners but active participants in their educational journey. I have seen a growing trend of students, including those in high school, engaging in entrepreneurial activities and financial markets. This shift underscores the importance of financial literacy and independence among the younger generation.

Reflecting on my teaching career since 2008, the evolution in university education is both inspiring and enlightening. The journey from traditional methods to an era of digital and interactive learning, and now to a focus on practical application and student-driven innovation, illustrates the adaptive and forward-looking nature of education. As an educator, it has been a rewarding experience to grow alongside these changes and to contribute to shaping the minds of future generations.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.