“Once Upon a Time in a Classroom: The Magic of Teaching Through Stories”

M Manjarishar
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Welcome to the Enchanted Realm of Learning!

Hey there, fellow educators and curious minds! Have you ever wondered how to transform your classroom into a magical land where every lesson is an adventure? Well, grab your imaginary hats and join me on this enchanting journey where we’ll explore the art of teaching through stories. It’s not just a method; it’s a spellbinding experience!

Why Stories? Because Everyone Loves a Good Tale!

Think about it. From campfires to our cozy bedtime routines, stories have always been a part of our lives. But here’s the real kicker — they’re not just for entertainment. In the realm of education, stories are like secret tunnels to understanding complex concepts. I’ve seen it firsthand in my classes — eyes sparkle, minds engage, and voilà — learning happens effortlessly!

Creating Emotional Wizards in the Classroom

You see, we humans have this superpower — we connect deeply with stories. They stir emotions, and emotions are the glue that makes information stick. In my classroom, I don’t just teach; I narrate. I weave tales around the concepts, making every lesson a chapter in an epic saga. The result? Students aren’t just learning; they’re embarking on a quest!

Igniting Imaginations, One Story at a Time

When I tell a story, I’m not just reciting facts; I’m lighting a fire of imagination. Students dive headfirst into the narrative, seeing themselves as heroes overcoming obstacles (a.k.a. tough topics). This not only makes learning fun but also nurtures creativity and critical thinking. Who knew algebra could be as exciting as slaying dragons?

Where Even AI Can’t Compete: The Human Touch

In this digital age, AI is the new wizard in town. But here’s the twist — AI lacks the heart of a storyteller. It can give you data, but not the warmth of human emotions that come with a well-told story. This is our superpower as educators — to connect, engage, and inspire through our tales.

The Legacy of Learning Through Stories

Ever wonder why we remember stories from years ago but forget what we read last week? That’s the magic of storytelling in education. My students often come back, recounting tales from our classes and how those stories helped them remember concepts. It’s learning that sticks, and that, my friends, is the true treasure.

Embark on Your Own Storytelling Adventure!

So, there you have it — the secret potion to making learning unforgettable. As we close this chapter, I invite you to open the book of your classroom and start weaving your own tales. Remember, in the world of education, you’re not just a teacher; you’re a storyteller, a guide, and a magician. Let the stories unfold and watch the magic happen!

And They Learned Happily Ever After…

Until our next enchanting encounter, keep the stories alive and the learning magical. Happy teaching, wonderful wizards of education! 🌟✨



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.