The Privilege of Full-Time Learning: A Perspective from India’s Academic Halls

M Manjarishar
3 min readJan 21, 2024


Greetings, dear readers, and fellow seekers of knowledge!

Today, I wish to transport you into the vibrant corridors of Indian academia, a realm where I have spent countless years both as a student and now, with humble pride, as an educator. My journey has not just been about imparting knowledge but also about unraveling the unique fabric of our educational culture. Let me share with you a fascinating facet of this culture: the luxury of being a full-time student, a concept that is deeply rooted in our society, especially among middle-class families.

Imagine a world where your only job is to learn. Intriguing, isn’t it? In India, this is not just a fanciful idea but a lived reality for many students. Here, parents often shoulder the entire financial burden of their children’s education, sometimes through to their Ph.D. This contrasts starkly with the experiences of students in many other parts of the globe, where balancing part-time jobs with studies is the norm.

Now, as a seasoned professor and author, I often engage in thought-provoking discussions with my students about this unique aspect of our education system. I invite them, and you, dear reader, to ponder over this: Is being a full-time student merely about attending classes and passing exams, or is there more to this privileged phase of life?

In my classroom, which I fondly refer to as our ‘learning lab’, I challenge my students to view this period as a golden opportunity for holistic growth. “You are not just students; you are scholars in the making,” I often say. This time is a treasure trove of opportunities — to dive deep into academic pursuits, yes, but also to engage actively in university clubs, internships, and extracurricular activities. These experiences are not mere add-ons but essential chapters in the story of their intellectual growth.

I frequently pose interactive questions to my students: “How can you leverage this unique phase to not just learn, but to truly evolve as thinkers and innovators?” This often leads to vibrant discussions, brimming with ideas and insights, reflecting the diversity and depth of thought that only such an immersive learning environment can foster.

However, I also caution them. This luxury is a double-edged sword. While it allows an undistracted focus on academics, it may also shelter them from the realities of work-life balance, a skill much revered in the global arena. It’s a gap that we, as educators, strive to fill by simulating real-world challenges within our academic cocoon.

In my writings and lectures, I often emphasize the dual responsibility this privilege entails. One, to fully embrace and utilize this time for academic and personal enrichment, and two, to prepare oneself for the global stage, where the rules of the game might be markedly different.

To conclude, dear readers, being a full-time student in India is not just a phase of life; it’s a unique journey of learning, exploration, and growth. As educators and mentors, our role extends beyond teaching; it involves inspiring our students to make the most of this remarkable opportunity. And to the students, I say: Cherish this time, for it is the foundation upon which you will build not just a career, but a life rich in knowledge and wisdom.

Thank you for joining me in this exploration. Until our next intellectual adventure, keep learning and growing!



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.