The World in a Night: Unleashing Potential Through “Fun Night”

M Manjarishar
2 min readDec 7, 2023


Welcome to a journey where education meets exploration and creativity! In our quest to unearth the hidden talents of students, we ventured beyond the conventional classroom setting with our unique “Fun Night” event. This wasn’t just another school function, it was a vibrant showcase of diversity and entrepreneurial spirit.

Imagine stepping into a space bursting with colors, where every corner brought a different nation to life. Students donned costumes representing various cultures, bringing the essence of these nations to our doorstep. From savory Italian pasta to the rhythmic beats of African drums, it was a celebration of global diversity.

But “Fun Night” was more than just a cultural fest, it was a lesson in real-world skills. Our students transformed into budding entrepreneurs, managing stalls with games and food. They weren’t just selling products; they were learning the art of investment, cost recovery, and profit-making.

What truly set this night apart was the limitless scope for creativity. Often, academic assessments confine students to structured answers, but here, the sky was their limit. They brainstormed, planned, and executed with a freedom that traditional classrooms seldom offer. The result? An outburst of creativity and a sense of achievement that textbooks alone cannot foster.

As educators, our takeaway from “Fun Night” was profound. When students are given the freedom to think and act beyond the confines, they not only perform better but also uncover facets of their personality and capabilities they never knew existed. It’s a reminder that our teaching methods must evolve to include such dynamic, experiential learning experiences, nurturing not just academic brilliance but also essential life skills and self-discovery.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.