Why Starting Your Own Business is a Path Worth Exploring

M Manjarishar
2 min readJan 10, 2024


In a world where everyone works to earn their livelihood, the idea of running your own business offers a path filled with independence and personal fulfillment. It’s about breaking free from the dependencies of working for others and embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship. Indeed, starting a business is not everyone’s cup of tea; it demands a diverse skill set and an unwavering commitment. However, if history has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is insurmountable for human beings, especially given our extraordinary growth and development over recent decades.

The Importance of Starting Something of Your Own
Understanding why to start your own venture is crucial. When I talk about starting a business, I don’t necessarily mean launching a massive enterprise with millions in investment. Instead, I’m referring to small-scale businesses that can be initiated with minimal capital and your personal skills or interests. This interest is the fuel that keeps you focused, excited, and committed to your business’s growth.

Small Businesses: The Backbone of Economy
Every citizen carries the responsibility of contributing to their nation’s growth. By fostering an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and startups, we play a crucial role in transitioning our country from a fast-growing economy to a developed one. Small businesses are not just economic ventures; they are the building blocks of a robust economy.

Age is Just a Number; Focus on Talent
One crucial piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is not to let age be a barrier. Age doesn’t define your capacity to succeed in business. What matters most is your talent and how you harness it to shine in the world. Whether you’re 18 or 80, your ideas and passion have the potential to create something remarkable.

The Journey of Entrepreneurship: Challenging but Rewarding
It’s important to acknowledge that the journey of entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges. There will be setbacks, learning curves, and moments of doubt. But it’s these very challenges that make the journey worthwhile. The satisfaction of building something from the ground up, of seeing your ideas take shape in the real world, is unparalleled.

The Ripple Effect of Your Business
Your business isn’t just a source of income; it’s a contribution to your community and nation. By creating jobs, fostering innovation, and adding value to the economy, you’re playing a part in shaping a better future.

Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit
To those pondering the leap into entrepreneurship, remember that your business venture is a testament to your creativity, resilience, and ambition. It’s about making a mark in the world, on your own terms. So, harness your skills, channel your passion, and embark on the entrepreneurial journey. Your business, no matter how small, has the potential to make a significant impact.

In conclusion, starting your own business is more than a means to an end — it’s a journey of personal growth, national contribution, and economic development. It’s about turning your talent into something tangible and leaving a legacy that transcends the boundaries of age and time.



M Manjarishar

Assoc. Prof & Author passionate about innovative pedagogy & experiential learning. Transforming classrooms into hubs of creativity & critical thinking.