Experience of Applying Pomodoro Technique in My Life

M MunirAhmed
2 min readJul 19, 2019


I got to know about the Pomodoro Technique by Amal Academy Online Course. It is a simple technique to deal with procrastination. For this technique, you need to focus on your work for 25 minutes and then you give yourself a reward of anything pleasurable for a couple of minutes. The reward can be watching TV, playing a game or anything that you like. After the reward, you again resume your work and focus on it for the next 25 minutes and then the reward. Repeat this four times then you can take a longer break of 15–20 minutes.

It is a pretty simple technique but it is very effective. I experienced it by implementing while doing Amal Academy online course. I focused on the course for 25 minutes and then I gave myself a reward of 5 minutes of Youtube watch time. I enjoyed it a lot and it increased my productivity. It helped to keep the focus on my work and I completed the remaining course within 45 minutes. I won’t be able to complete it without this technique. I guess it would have taken 1.5 hours to complete the same task without the technique.

I will do it regularly to deal with procrastination and it will help me complete my work early. I wish I could know this technique a couple of years ago, I might have saved several months.

I will try to improve my experience by practicing it twice a day. I will buy a separate alarm clock for this which will help me to manage my time.

