When and why the square of the Pearson’s r is equal to the R-squared.Proof and Python example.Dec 2, 2022Dec 2, 2022
Notes on Exponential and Gamma distributions as Poisson processes.Derivation and Python examples of Exponential and Gamma distributions as Poisson processes.Dec 1, 2022Dec 1, 2022
Memoryless property of Exponential distribution.The Exponential distribution shows an important property called “memoryless”. But what does it mean? How should it be interpreted?Nov 10, 20221Nov 10, 20221
Notes on random variable standardizationTheory and Python implementation of standardized variables and probability density functions.Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Time-varying reproduction number Rt: theory and Python implementation. Part I: basics and EpiEstim.In these stories we’ll take a look to the theory and the implementations for Rt estimates in Python.Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Interpreting Poisson regression coefficients.Poisson regression is one the most important Generalized Linear Models’ (GLM) form of regression analysis. How to interpret the Poisson…Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
A gentle introduction to Clinical Score in PythonA Clinical Score is a number that can help clinicians to diagnose or rule out a disease. Let’s create it in Python.Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
Generation of a random variable with the inversion method.The inversion method is used to generate random variable with a known distribution. How does it work?Oct 22, 2022Oct 22, 2022