Employee training and development is more important than you think

3 min readSep 13, 2018


Making the right investments in learning and development programs has never been more important — or more of a challenge — for business leaders.

In general, there are many benefits of Employee Training and Development, such as:

  • Increased job satisfaction among employees
  • Increased employee motivation
  • Increased efficiency in business processes
  • Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
  • Increased innovation in strategies and products

In the business environment that is constantly changing, millennials play an important role. They are people who were born from the early 1980s and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. According to demographic data, the percentage of millennials in the working environment is expanding every day.

But let’s take a look at the chart below. It presents working benefits that millennials value the most in their work environment.

As we see from the chart that was presented by Statista, the biggest number of millennials consider professional training and development opportunities as the most valuable working benefit. While flexible hours were considered the most valuable benefit by 19 percent of those surveyed, cash bonuses are seen as a priority by 14 percent of respondents.

This chart proves that companies have to motivate their employees and train them. Hence, training is not a luxury, but it is a ‘must’ if a company wants to be successful in a modern dynamic business environment. Employers have to help their people to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities to help the organization achieve its goals.

What is the role of training and development in organizations?

Firstly, in order to understand the topic, it is necessary to present the concept of ‘’training and development’. The main role of ’training and development’ is learning, so employees develop their knowledge, competence, skills, behaviour etc.
The goal of training is for employees is to gain the knowledge, job related skills, competences, and behaviour and apply them in their daily activities.
Development is quite similar to training, but it is more focused on the future. It refers to training, formal education, and if focuses on increasing and maintaining company’s performance.

At the end, managers and leaders should remember that having highly trained, updated and satisfied employees is an added value for the whole company. Providing learning and development possibilities for employees is an essential long-term investment in human resources. Indeed, they contribute to achieve the organization’s future results, improve business performance, productivity and efficiency.





Change Management, User Adoption Strategies, Smart Collaboration solutions and Microsoft Office 365. www.silverside.com