Explore Apache Kafka with Confluent

Rachana M
5 min readOct 13, 2022


What Is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming system used for stream processing, real-time data pipelines, and data integration at scale.It has numerous use cases including distributed streaming, stream processing, data integration, and pub/sub messaging.

So before delving into Kafka architecture or its core components, let’s discuss what an event is. This will help explain how Kafka stores events, how to get events in and out of the system, and how to analyze event streams.

What Is an Event?

An event is any type of action, incident, or change that’s identified or recorded by software or applications. For example, a payment, a website click, or a temperature reading, along with a description of what happened.

Why Kafka? Benefits and Use Cases

Data Integration:

Kafka can connect to nearly any other data source in traditional enterprise information systems, modern databases, or in the cloud. It forms an efficient point of integration with built-in data connectors, without hiding logic or routing inside brittle, centralized infrastructure.

Metrics and Monitoring

Kafka is often used for monitoring operational data. This involves aggregating statistics from distributed applications to produce centralized feeds with real-time metrics.

Stream Processing

Performing real-time computations on event streams is a core competency of Kafka. From real-time data processing to dataflow programming, Kafka ingests, stores, and processes streams of data as it’s being generated, at any scale.

Publish-Subscribe Messaging

As a distributed pub/sub messaging system, Kafka works well as a modernized version of the traditional message broker. Any time a process that generates events must be decoupled from the process or from processes receiving the events, Kafka is a scalable and flexible way to get the job done.

How Kafka Works

Apache Kafka consists of a storage layer and a compute layer that combines efficient, real-time data ingestion, streaming data pipelines, and storage across distributed systems. In short, this enables simplified, data streaming between Kafka and external systems, so you can easily manage real-time data and scale within any type of infrastructure

  1. Real-Time Processing at Scale

The Kafka Streams API is a powerful, lightweight library that allows for on-the-fly processing, letting you aggregate, create windowing parameters, perform joins of data within a stream, and more.

2. Durable, Persistent Storage

An abstraction of a distributed commit log commonly found in distributed databases, Apache Kafka provides durable storage. Kafka can act as a ‘source of truth’, being able to distribute data across multiple nodes for a highly available deployment within a single data center or across multiple availability zones

3. Publish & Subscribe

At its heart lies the humble, immutable commit log, and from there you can subscribe to it, and publish data to any number of systems or real-time applications. Unlike messaging queues, Kafka is a highly scalable, fault tolerant distributed system, allowing it to be deployed for applications.

What is Kafka Used For?

Data Pipelines

In the context of Apache Kafka, a streaming data pipeline means ingesting the data from sources into Kafka as it’s created and then streaming that data from Kafka to one or more targets.

Stream Processing

Stream processing includes operations like filters, joins, maps, aggregations, and other transformations which enterprises leverage to power many use-cases. Kafka Streams is a stream processing library built for Apache Kafka enabling enterprises to process data in real-time.

Streaming Analytics

Kafka provides high throughput event delivery, and when combined with open-source technologies such as Druid can form a powerful Streaming Analytics Manager (SAM). Druid consumes streaming data from Kafka to enable analytical queries. Events are first loaded in Kafka, where they are buffered in Kafka brokers before they are consumed by Druid real-time workers.

Streaming ETL

Real-time ETL with Kafka combines different components and features such as Kafka Connect source and sink connectors to consume and produce data from/to any other database, application, or API, Single Message Transform (SMT) — an optional Kafka Connect feature, Kafka Streams for continuous data processing in real-time at scale.

Event-Driven Microservices

Apache Kafka is the most popular tool for microservices because it solves many of the issues of microservices orchestration while enabling attributes that microservices aim to achieve, such as scalability, efficiency, and speed. It also facilitates inter-service communication while preserving ultra-low latency and fault tolerance.

Apache Kafka Architecture Fundamental Concepts

Kafka Topics

Kafka’s most fundamental unit of organization is the topic, which is something like a table in a relational database. As a developer using Kafka, the topic is the abstraction you probably think the most about. You create different topics to hold different kinds of events and different topics to hold filtered and transformed versions of the same kind of event.

A topic is a log of events. First, they are appended only: When you write a new message into a log, it always goes on the end. Second, they can only be read by seeking an arbitrary offset in the log, then by scanning sequential log entries. Third, events in the log are immutable — once something has happened, it is exceedingly difficult to make it un-happen.

Every topic can be configured to expire data after it has reached a certain age (or the topic overall has reached a certain size), from as short as seconds to as long as years or even to retain messages indefinitely.

Kafka Partitioning

Partitioning takes the single topic log and breaks it into multiple logs, each of which can live on a separate node in the Kafka cluster. This way, the work of storing messages, writing new messages, and processing existing messages can be split among many nodes in the cluster.

How Kafka Partitioning Works

Having broken a topic up into partitions, we need a way of deciding which messages to write to which partitions. Typically, if a message has no key, subsequent messages will be distributed round-robin among all the topic’s partitions. In this case, all partitions get an even share of the data, but ordering of the input messages is not preserved.

For example, if you are producing events that are all associated with the same customer, using the customer ID as the key guarantees that all of the events from a given customer will always arrive in order.

Kafka Brokers

From a physical infrastructure standpoint, Kafka is composed of a network of machines called brokers. Each broker hosts some set of partitions and handles incoming requests to write new events to those partitions or read events from them. Brokers also handle replication of partitions between each other.


It would not do if we stored each partition on only one broker. Whether brokers are bare metal servers or managed containers, they and their underlying storage are susceptible to failure, so we need to copy partition data to several other brokers to keep it safe. Those copies are called follower replica, whereas the main partition is called the leader replica. When you produce data to the leader — in general, reading and writing are done to the leader — the leader and the followers work together to replicate those new writes to the followers.



Rachana M

3x Certified MuleSoft Developer | MCD, MCPA,MCIA | Mulesoft Mentor| New to Blogs writing