Best practices for ViewDataBinding after Kotlin synthetics DepreciationAs most of us already know that the Kotlin Synthetics are deprecated and slowly all the organizations started using ViewDataBinding, but…Mar 2, 20221Mar 2, 20221
Modern ways of Developing location-based android apps using callbackFlows (Coroutines)Why this blog?Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
Implementing the SEARCH in Android app along with the best practices (MVVM + LiveData + Coroutines…Motive of this blogNov 15, 2020Nov 15, 2020
Migrating your Database from Firebase Realtime database to Cloud firestore using Firebase Cloud…So today i am here to share my experience about How firebase cloud functions can help you in “Migration of Database”, so if you are a…Apr 25, 20203Apr 25, 20203