The eternal debate of Android vs iPhone

Muhammad Shoaib
2 min readDec 29, 2023

The debate that’s been going on for more than a decade.

There are two options available when purchasing a new smartphone. Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone are the two leading smartphone brands; in this post, we’ll determine which is the greatest option for your next buy.

  1. variety
  2. price
  3. customization and app selection
  4. security


Since Google’s Android operating system is open source, any phone maker can use it, making it available and adaptable across a large range of devices. As a result, Android offers a wide range of options. Apple’s iPhone, meanwhile, is limited and chosen.


Android has a very broad pricing range. Smartphone prices range from $100 to an astounding $2000 for foldable phones and gaming phones. With an iPhone, you wouldn’t notice it, and the base model costs $700.

Customization and app selection:

With Android, you may install any launcher, widget, delete icons from the home screen, and completely alter the user interface; with iOS, this is not possible. And iOS only allows you to get apps through the app store, but Android has a far wider selection of apps that you can download through the play store, even third-party ones. Also, If you rely significantly on a voice assistant, there’s no better option than to go with Android since Google Assistant is far superior to Siri on iOS.


Here’s where the iPhone excels over the Android. Apple’s iPhone is a closed, highly secure device. Every device in Apple’s ecosystem is connected to every other device. However, Android is vulnerable to viruses and other shady operations.

A few comparisons between Android and iPhone are provided above. You now know more about your wants and what to buy when you make your next purchase after reading this post.

