How to access Windows 10 PC anywhere, anytime

Venkatraman Muthukrishnan
5 min readSep 20, 2020


Have you ever thought of accessing your home PC remotely through mobile or other devices?How cool is it to work from anywhere using mobile without office laptop or VPN.

If you’re trying to connect to another a machine with RDP enabled within the local network, then the conventional way of running mstsc (RDP client) works seamless.But when trying to access externally (through internet) you need either VPN or static IP (aka Internet Protocol Addrеѕѕ ). Setting VPN needs infrastructure investment and free VPN is never a safe option.

Assuming you have a standard consumer internet plan, your home IP address changes often from time to time.For instance, JIO (My ISP provider) changes static public IP every time when it powers up.In this guide, we’ll walk through, how to setup computer and network to allow connection from outside local network and on any device with no charges.

Let’s get started.

1. Determine public IP address

When you’re trying to access a computer remotely over the internet, you’ll also need to know the public IP address of the network in which the device is connected.

As I’m using JioFi as router dongle the actual screenshot may vary based on your router.

To find the IP address of your connection assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP), use these steps:

  1. Find your router’s Default gateway IP by opening command prompt and running ipconfig command.For JioFi it’s .
command prompt

2. Open Browser and login into router console by visiting gateway IP and find the IPv4 address.

JioFi router management page

2. Set up the port forward

  • Locate the Port Forwarding settings for your router.
  • Confirm that the Port Forwarding service is enabled (if applicable).
  • Under the port forwarding list, click (in this case) the Computer MAC from user list shown above.
  • For instance, Enter a config name for reference,ensure you have configured Internal (Local) port as 3389 and External (WAN) port as 3389.
  • Click apply button. Now confirm the IP and Port shown in table below.
Port Forwarding setup on router page

3. Set up the Dynamic DNS in NO-IP

To setup Free DDNS service points your dynamic IP, follow below steps:

  • create an account with No-IP simply click the “Sign Up” link.
  • You will receive an email with a link to confirm your account, click that link.
  • Once confirmed your account, you can log in to your No-IP account.
  • click on “Dynamic DNS” and then click on “Create Hostname” and enter.

4. Configure your computer to accept remote connections.

  • Click “Start”, right-click “Computer”, then “Properties” and select “Remote Settings”, on the left.
  • On the “Remote” tab, select the radio button, “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication”, as shown in the image below.
  • Ensure that you have the proper permissions to connect to your computer remotely, and click “OK”.
  • Leave your computer running and connected to the Internet.
  • It should now be ready to accept connections from the outside.
System Properties

4. Set up a script to update the Dynamic DNS hostname

Setting up the dynamic hostname is easy, there isn’t much to it. It’s just an A record that points to your IP address with a short time-to-live so it can be updated frequently. The real magic is in having a script that updates that IP Address automatically.

  • Create an batch script as follows and save it as ddnsUpdater.bat in C:\
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo DDNS update tool 1.0
echo executing
for /F “skip=9 tokens=1 delims=^<wan_ip>” %%I in (‘curl -s http://jiofi.local.html/st_wan.w.xml') do (
set “$wanip=%%I”
echo %ip%
echo executed
echo The router public wan ip is : %$token%
set “$var=^&myip=%$wanip%"
curl %$var%

Modify the script with the Username and Password that were obtained in the previous step, and substitute your Dynamic DNS hostname. Running this bat file will automatically update IP in NO-IP using API.
Create a CRON job using windows scheduler to run that script periodically for every 5 minutes so your dynamic hostname is always kept up to date. We will use a windows task scheduler to create the cron jobs.

Task scheduler

Congarts,Now you have a DNS hostname that will always be pointing to your home computer.

5. Download Microsoft Remote Desktop Connect APP

Apple users download remote connect app from app store using below link:

Android and windows users can download from playstore and microsoft app store respectively.
Enter the host name which we created on no-IP to point the computer and provide usename, password to access remotely anywhere,anytime :)

Microsoft remote desktop for mobile

