
How to Be an Exchange Student (1)

5 min readDec 20, 2019
Tampere City Center, Finland.
Tampere City Center, Finland. (Photo by Cai-Ting)

Before I started to apply the exchange project from my school, there were several steps that I did to confirm my final decision.


Step 1: Face to Realities. (e.g., Your Budget, Language ability, Your time)

第一步: 認識自己,釐清現實(如: 預算、語言能力、時間因素)

If you don’t have enough budget for living aboard, then you can consider applying the exchange program which provides scholarships or financial supports. Moreover, prepare earlier especially for students who are struggling in English. (Just like me). Remember, prepare advance may lead you to achieve your goal.

如果你的預算不足,可以考慮申請台灣教育部補助(學海飛颺 )或是有提供獎學金之學習計畫(可參考學校國際事務處或系所公告之相關計畫)。此外,如果你跟我一樣英文菜菜,務必須要提前準備英文證照考試,這是出國申請的基本必要條件,千萬不要高估自己的能力,才能穩穩達到目標喔!

Step 2: Chose the right school.

第二步: 選擇對的學校

When you decide where to exchange, the most important factor that is what to learn, thus check English programs advance before you make a decision, and requirements for exchange students(e.g., English certification, profolio,Transcript of academic record) is also important. Make sure to qulify requirements from schools.

Other factors that you might need to consider, such as school ranking, dormitory, length of schooling, course credit (if you need to transfer course credits to your home school)…etc.

在選擇學校時,必須要前釐清你想要學什麼? 交換學校是否有提供交換生可選的英文授課課程? (除非你擁有第二、三外語能力),同樣的你的母校與姊妹校也會提出最低交換門檻,內容不外乎是外語能力、證照、校內成績,甚至是作品集等,一定要預先確認你是否符合學校與姊妹校之交換之條件。


Step 3: Do an action.

第三步: 做出行動

Prepare yourself to qulify the requirements.

01. Language requirement (e.g., IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, OTHERS.)

02. Autobiography

03. Study plan

04. Transcript of academic record

05.Profolio(Only require to students from collage of design.)

06. Others (Competition award, Work experience…etc.)

選擇好夢想中的學校後(一般來說,可選擇十間學校做排序,但準備方式建議專注在最想去的前三間學校為主),準備項目包含 :

01. 語言要求 (如: IELTS、TOEIC、 TOEFL、 其他語言要求 )

02. 中、英文自傳 (經驗上,申請中國交換不需要英文自傳)

03. 讀書計畫

04. 歷年成績單

05. 作品集 (依學校要求,但設計系相關學系基本上都需要)

06. 競賽得獎、其他經歷可能有加分

Step 4: Apply for your dream school.

第四步: 申請你理想的學校

01. Submit your English certification and other requirements to your home school.

02. When you pass requirements from your home school, then you need to submit all the documents to sister schools, and wait for the result.

01. 第一階段為校內申請,通常包含語言基本要求、自傳、讀書計畫、成績表現。

02. 第二階段為姊妹校篩選,除了校內申請需要的語言基本要求、自傳、讀書計畫、成績表現之外,設計系可能需要提供作品集給姊妹校,申請後依每間學校處理時間不同,可能需要等待一個月到三個月的作業時間,才會得知申請結果。

Good luck :)

I hope everyone can make their dream come true.

最後,希望大家都能成功申請到想去的學校交換 :)



