What is EasyAntiCheat.exe, and Why Is It On My Computer

3 min readJun 28, 2023


Easy Anti Cheat, developed by Kamu, is an anti-cheating tool aimed at preventing (and capturing) cheaters in online multiplayer games. It can be seen as a modern alternative to the anti-cheating application PunkBuster launched in 2001. Easy Anti Cheat can run on Windows and macOS.

When you are playing an online game using EasyAntiCheat, it will run in the background. According to its marketing materials, anticheat expertservice “focuses on eliminating the root causes of cheating from a technical perspective.” This tool is not simply prohibiting cheating, but completely preventing cheating.

Kamu will not explain in detail how anticheat expertservice works — after all, it does not want cheaters to know exactly what they are facing. The marketing materials state that it uses a “hybrid approach driven by driver code and machine learning”. A supporting document shows that it will search for damaged memory, unknown game files, untrusted system files, and debuggers. If the security functions of the operating system, such as driver signature verification and Kernel Patch Protection, are disabled, it will not run.

Usually, you won’t even notice that EasyAntiCheat is running unless you’re browsing or encountering problems with your operating system. You will see it marked as “EasyAntiCheat Service” or “EasyAntiCheat. exe” in the Task Manager.

When is EasyAntiCheat activated?

The EasyAntiCheat.exe process only runs next to games that require it. If you don’t play games, EasyAntiCheat.exe won’t run in the background.

When you start a game that uses it — such as “Fortress Night” — easy anti cheat. exe will start. It will run continuously when you are playing a game, and it will close when you close the game.

If you check the service application, you will also see that the EasyAntiCheat service runs only when you are using it in the game.

Easy Anti Cheat will only be installed on your system when you have installed games that require it. When you uninstall the game, Easy Anti Cheat is also uninstalled.

For example, if you install Fortress Night, it will automatically install Easy Anti Cheat. If you uninstall ‘Fortress Night’, Easy Anti Cheat will also be uninstalled.

If you are willing, you can manually uninstall Easy Anti Cheat, but you will not be able to play online games that require it. To do this, you must find the installation directory of the game where EasyAntiCheat is installed and run EasyAntiCheat_ Reinstall the Setup.exe file.

For example, if EasyAntiCheat is installed in Fortress Night and you install it in its default folder, you will find the file in the following location.

The EasyAntiCheat.exe process only runs next to games that require it. If you don’t play games, EasyAntiCheat.exe won’t run in the background.

When you start a game that uses it — such as “Fortress Night” — easy anti cheat. exe will start. It will run continuously when you are playing a game, and it will close when you close the game.

If you check the service application, you will also see that the EasyAntiCheat service runs only when you are using it in the game.

