Permanent residence permit in Russia without getting temporary residence permit

Valen Dubai and M
6 min readFeb 17, 2023



Permanent residence permit is unlimited document which entitles foreign citizen to live and work in Russia. An adult or a child who has obtained PRP does not become Russian citizen, but he/she can study, work, do business, move from region to region without any restrictions. Moreover, obtaining PRP is a mandatory requirement to get Russian citizenship, thus PRP is usually obtained by those foreign citizens who want to link their future with Russia. An exception to the rule that a residence permit is permanent is made for stateless persons — for them, the document is issued for 10 years with the right to renew.

The standard application procedure implies that foreign citizens receive temporary residence permit first and can apply for temporary one only after 8 months. However, it is possible to obtain permanent residence permit in Russia without obtaining TRP. The law provides for many exceptions from standard application procedure. Let us consider who has the right to apply for PRP without prior obtaining TRP:

  • people officially recognized as native speakers of Russian language;
  • foreigners born on the territory of the RSFSR, but only if they were Soviet citizens in the past;
  • people whose close relatives are Russian citizens and permanently reside in Russia;
  • minors whose parents are citizens of the Russian Federation and live permanently in the country;
  • minors whose parents are just getting a residence permit, etc.

The list of foreigners who have the right to obtain a residence permit by passing the temporary residence permit process is extensive and frequently updated. The full list is enshrined in Article 8 of the Federal Law No 115 “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

In addition, there is special category of foreigners who are entitled to obtain permanent residence permit in Russia without TRP: highly qualified specialists and their family members. Highly qualified specialists are professionals in particular area who are able to resolve difficult, specific matters. Such people have higher professional education. The employer cannot pay them average salary, their earnings are higher than the average at market, because we are talking about valuable personnel that are difficult to find. This fact justifies the need to invite professional from abroad.

If foreign citizen cannot be included in one of above-mentioned categories, he is required to obtain temporary residence permit first of all. In most cases, you need to win quota, what is a time-consuming task, since quota is assigned by the government considering demographic situation and other factors. It is a great success to get quota from the first time. Fortunately, some categories of foreigners are entitled to apply for PRP outside of quota.

Procedure for obtaining permanent residence permit: order of actions

If you already have temporary residence permit or you are not legally required to obtain it, it is necessary to undertake following steps to get permanent residence permit:

  • to pass the exam in Russian language, Russian history, and basic knowledge of legislation;
  • to prepare and submit an application to the Ministry of internal Affairs, enclosing temporary residence permit or justifying its absence;
  • to provide results of medical examination: certificate of absence of dangerous infections, drug addiction and other serious diseases that may pose threat to others;
  • to confirm that you have source of legal income that provides you with at least a minimum standard of living for the Russian Federation;
  • to prepare document on availability of housing: own or rented, but this paragraph applies only to those foreigners who live in country for more than three years;
  • get certificate of criminal clearance (if you are from visa country);
  • to pay state fee and provide receipt.

It is general order of actions. However, it is possible that you are entitled to apply for PRP in simplified manner, which eliminates necessity to obtain TRP first of all and reside in the country for at least a year before submitting documents.

Simplified procedures are available for those who have received refugee status, are officially recognized as native speakers of Russian language, or participate in Federal program for resettlement of Russians. In addition, foreigners whograduated from Russian universities with honors, as well as citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic are entitled to obtain PRP in simplified manner. Highly qualified specialists and their family members can also apply in simplified manner if they can officially confirm their status. Let us consider each category of foreigners who do not need TRP.

How to confirm your right to apply in simplified manner

Citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic are entitled to obtain permanent residence permit without TRP in Russia. In practice, it means that if you have citizenship of one of these countries, you do not need to participate in quotas and obtain TRP — you can prepare application and set of documents straight away. It is evident that you should first register with migration authorities at your place of residence, and this is the end of preliminary stage. Citizenship can be confirmed by passport, and it must be presented at time of registration of documents.

Permanent residence permit without TRP in Russia can also be obtained by person with status of native Russian language speaker. This status is assigned to foreigners after passing special commission. However, if you speak Russian language since childhood, it is easier to get appropriate status than to apply for TRP. Firstly, we are talking about special program for foreigners who consider Russian their native language. Secondly, place of passing commission is appointed individually, taking into account place of residence. Finally, there are no restrictions on the number of people who can receive status of native Russian language speaker.

Do not worry that the commission will require you to have complex linguistic knowledge. It is only necessary to prove your fluency in language, that is ability to communicate in everyday and official situations, to understand and use means of expression. As a result of the check, you will receive certificate within 5 working days, and this certificate can then be attached to application submitted to the Ministry of internal Affairs for permanent residence permit without TRP in Russia.

Advantages of official status

Permanent residence permit in Russia without TRP grants foreigner many advantages. With this document, you can live in the country as long as you want, travel from region to region, or change your place of residence. If you want to get citizenship, permanent residence permit will be official basis for this.

Also, foreigner who has received permanent residence permit is not required to warn the Ministry of internal Affairs about changing region of residence. He is only required to register at new place of residence when he moves, and this is the end of formalities.

In addition, permanent residence permit grants opportunity to freely leave country and return back. There are no legal restrictions on the number of entries and exits. You can travel abroad and return freely on any grounds: business trips, vacations, medical treatment, and so on. If you do not want your permanent residence permit to be cancelled, total period of stay outside the country should be no more than 6 months for one year, however there are some exceptions to this rule. No one will force you to return to the Russian Federation ahead of time if, for example, you have left for treatment.

Peculiarities of obtaining permanent residence permit without TRP in Russia

You need to contact territorial body of the Ministry of internal Affairs and submit the following documents to get official status:

  • ID card;
  • four standard personal photos;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 5 thousand rubles;
  • certificate of passing exams in Russian language, Russian history, and basic knowledge of legislation.

As a rule, application for permanent residence permit is submitted to the Ministry of internal Affairs, located in the same area where notification of arrival was submitted. Acceptance of application and other documents is confirmed by certificate issued to applicant. Period for consideration of request for permanent residence permit in Russia without TRP is from 2 weeks to 4 months. It is important to monitor status of your application, so that not to miss appeal deadline, if for some reason authorities decide to refuse to issue the document.

There are several ways to check whether permanent residence permit is ready. The easiest way is to use official website of the Ministry of internal Affairs or phone, but this way you can only be informed whether there is response to the request, or the documents are still being considered. It is impossible to be informed about the results if you are absent, you will have to personally attend migration authority to find out whether you have been issued permanent residence permit or not. You can also submit written request, but once again, you can get final response only in person. Written request will only help you to understand whether you need to go to the Ministry of internal Affairs or not.

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