Memoirs of a Not So Good Person (Insane Asylum) Part 2

2 min readJan 10, 2024

Now, this facility didn’t use drugs to sedate the clients, they relied more on restraint. Part of the training for the job was proper restraint as to not harm the client while they proceeded to lose their shit on someone or something. We would hold them face down on a foam mat until they stopped or tired themselves out. There were two curve balls though.

The first being, the rules and regulations were post everywhere for the clients to read and understand. If they asked, I had to read and explain it to them. One of the rules were, we were not to apply restraint unless the client shows continuous aggression. Which means if I walk past a couch a client is sitting on. They then get the urge to jump up and punch me in the face but then sit back down and continue watching tv. That is not continuous aggression. You can see the problem with that one.

The second, which they made it very clear to, was if you ever feel as though your life was in real danger, you do anything necessary to distance yourself from the threat. For instance, we had a semi pro MMA fighter in my cabin for a while, who had received too many blows to the head. With the inability to regulate his temper anymore but not being a criminal was sent to us instead of a prison. Side note- he knew how to punch. I can certainly attest to that.




Satire, horror, history, psychology, facts, outdoors, world views. Everything Man and then some.