TWTW Week 3, September 2018

3 min readSep 23, 2018


A really hectic and stuffy week went by. But although everything was stressful, got to learn new things and had fun learning. That’s why WIT is amazing in its own way.

The week started with our first call using the zoom. Arya Murali had switched from appear to zoom this time due to the room size restriction in the former. It was a nice experience as I got to see all of my fellow peers, who were connected by words before are now face to face. We introduced ourselves and Anusree had shared her experience applying for the Women Techmakers Scholarship. Congratz Anusree on getting selected. Then Arya continued the session and gave us reviews on the previous week activities. She also shared a document containing details on email writing, which was a great initiative. Then we also talked about the bubbles in our mind.

The biggest activity this week was #build. We had to build our own chatbots and take help from each other. I build a chatbot, Ms. Nel, which gives information about The Chevening Scholarship. Thanks to Farha Kareem for sharing the videos of systers workshop because otherwise, I would have had a tough time with the bot. Finally, I have submitted the bot for review and production. I would be publishing the bot once it gets approved. Every Chevening aspirant can use it. I thought the bot creation would be really tough and messed up the whole thing once. But later I helped myself and figured out everything and succeeded in my attempt. If I were not a part of this program, I would have never tried this even.

Submitted for review

The second activity was to create a demo video of the working of our chatbot. I really had a hard time with screen recording. The Google assistant would not work on my phone if I record the screen and the simulator accepted only text input. Finally, after trying and trying from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, I resorted to shooting my google assistant in the normal way.

Click here to watch the demo video

We also had to create a website for our bot. After WIT happened Google sites and website creation is the play of the right hand.

Link to the website

Finally the last task on the way, TWTW. Improving my writing skills after each TWTW. Today we also got a fun task it was to create our own bubbles as a character.

That’s my version of Bubbles

That was the week. Hope I summed it up all. Having a great time with WIT Learning Program.

