Benefits of Weightlifting

Miranda Fisher
2 min readMar 7, 2016

Weightlifting will not only get you a toned body but it also aids in burning fat, preventing back pain and improve your overall health.

Muscle is one of the keys to fighting fat. Researchers found that the muscle fibers that you build when you lift weights can reduce body fat without changes to your diet.

One of the benefits to weightlifting is building a stronger core. Some of the best exercises you can partake in to build your core include; squatting, hip-extensions, planks, and many other abdominal workouts.

Besides becoming more toned, your balance and coordination will be improved. Although you are keying in on major muscles when you are lifting weights, you are indirectly working out your smaller muscles that help stabilize you. These smaller muscles prevent you from things like falling.

Although you will begin to feel stronger physically, you will begin to become mentally stronger as well. When weightlifting you are challenging yourslef to overcome the pain and push yourself to finish the rep. This is pushing yourself to get out of your comfort zone in intense situations.

Picking up a new routine can be a challenge. It takes time to get into the swing of things. Just by walking into the gym, you are just that much closer to becoming a better version of yourself.

