Be The Best Version Of Yourself 🧘🏾‍♂️

5 min readMay 22, 2019

When it comes to being the best version of yourself you have to look in the mirror and determine the things that you want to change in your life. You may be happy with life and where it stands but there can always be some room for improvement somewhere. It could be something like working out more to increase body muscle, eating more healthy, or even reading more books to increase knowledge. Anything that can make you a better you is being the best version of yourself. Many people try to imitate the lifestyles that they see their favorite celebrities or athletes showcase and they end up unhappy with the results. The difference between them and you is that they worked on being themselves while you’re imitating their whole life. There’s nothing wrong with having people you admire and look up to but instead of copying their lifestyle, take away the characteristics and values that you either agree with or that may be similar to yours.

Don’t Watch Other People

In order to really get to know yourself on a deeper level you have to stop watching other people. Limit your time on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc and really focus on you. All of these social media platforms are a distraction in order to downplay your lifestyle and to make you think you’re not living life. The truth is your not if you think someone’s life is way better than…




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