Kindness is FREE and Easy

Sally M
3 min readJul 20, 2022


It Doesn't Cost Anything to be Kind

Kindness spreads Joy and Encouragement. Kindness is FREE to give and priceless to receive. A gift that is never Forgotten.

Photo of beads with letters reading "YOU WILL NEVER REGRET BEING KIND" on blue watercolour
Raw Pixel Image by Kut @

Sometimes there seems like so much dreary news and not enough publicity on good news of happiness and kindness. There is never enough stories of people making the world a better place. We are all able to make the world a better place by even just little acts of kindness, it starts with just one person, and is possible by anyone. Kindness makes a healthier and happier life not just for you doing the kind act but the receiver of kindness and those that witness it too. In turn it encourages the spread of kindness to continue, perhaps start a chain reaction, snowball effect.

"Kindness is a Gift everyone can afford to give!"

Kindness is doing what you can, when you can, with what you can. There are many simple gestures of kindness that don't take much effort and don't cost anything.

"Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.” - RAKtivist (‘Random Acts of Kindness activist’)

There are scientifically proven benefits to health from being kind, check out the details on Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and watch their video. They even set up a celebrated day for Random Acts of Kindness being February 17 (some countries have a different date), and it should really be celebrated and activated every day!

The positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who experiences and witnesses the kind acts, improving mood and making others significantly more likely to “pay it forward.” One good deed in a crowded area can create a flow on effect and improve the day of dozens of people!

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." — Aesop

Kindness can come in many forms and generally don’t cost anything — yes FREE to give and do. Some simple cost-free kind gestures can include holding a door open for someone, giving a smile and meaning it, allowing someone to pass in a queue, giving up your seat for someone else, letting people in when driving in merging traffic, helping someone to carry their load, having a listening ear and friendly words. It really doesn't have to be much to make a big difference to someone else, it’s simply a matter of having the courage for doing the right.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

On Medium there is even one such good deed of kindness, which could be to 👏 Clap on someone's post to show acknowledgement of reading it, especially if you got some new knowledge and enjoyment out of it. This small gesture leads to encouragement for writers. As much as writers can see story statistics a simple clap does mean a lot. I know the clap ability requires a sign up, but it is at no cost to you to sign up. You might worry about your details being in the Medium system but with the size of the platform in regular visitors they have good systems in place. You don’t even need to worry about the email bombardment when giving out your email, as with any good platform this is an editable setting option. You can simply adjust your email frequency setting or you can turn it off. However if you like getting mail and enjoy reading, it could be a useful reading resource for you, with many free reads available. Might save you a library visit. I know a day can fly by on Medium when you find some interesting articles that leads to other interesting articles.

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give" - Sir Winston Churchill

I wish you well in your everyday life! I hope you manage to brighten someone’s day today. Enjoy and here’s to good health with kindness!

Thanks for reading!



Sally M

An Australian writer and International traveller with a curious mind and a helping heart ❤️. I have an interest in Technology, Web Development, Travel and Life.