Why Write: Benefits of Writing

Sally M
5 min readJul 15, 2022


Writing is a powerful tool and does have a purpose…

Image of upper part of old typewriter with paper in it and word “Writing” on paper
“Writing” Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Writing is everywhere and can be seen in many forms, from books, cards, letters, magazines, newspapers, signs, websites and more. Writing is possible by almost everyone, and these days does not even require pen to paper with so many tools around making writing easier.

“Why Write” you might ask due to so many others already writing. Even though it is true, we now see more writers than ever before and can question ourselves with why bother writing. This can be true about many things, for there are more people in existence than ever before. We shouldn’t worry about there then being more people with the power to write, for with more people comes more ideas and perhaps better ideas. There also becomes more ways of sharing what we write, and what you might write could be more helpful.

Image of words “WHY NOT?” Writing looks likes graffiti on a wall
“Why Not?” Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Writing can improve your life and make you happier. Here are some ways writing can help:

  • Writing is a Great communication tool. It helps develop communication skills and self-confidence. Sometimes things are easier put into writing than spoken. Although we do need to be careful that writing and words can be misconstrued/misunderstood. It is recommended to always think before sending out our words/text. The thought process involved with writing can make you be choosy about word choice. In being careful and choosy with your words, you develop better communication and even find your vocabulary expands.
  • Writing generates curiosity and further knowledge development and learning. In being a curious writer and developing our writing we research other writings too, check correct word usage, and check our facts are correct. What use is new knowledge without sharing it to further cement it and help others, bringing to the next point…
  • Writing Teaches, Educates and helps others to learn. Our writing shared allows us to teach others and help others in learning more, developing the knowledge of others. Your writing might make things easier for others to understand difficult topics. Everyone has a perspective and different way of understanding, and you might be able to make things clearer. When you teach in your writing, you gain the knowledge of making things easier to understand.
  • Writing creates and develops ideas and creativity, as well as problem-solve creatively. When writing you can end up going on a journey you never expected! New ideas form that we might not have experienced had we not started to write. How else do inventions come to be without them being written down? We need to remember what has worked and hasn’t worked somehow, as well as to develop ideas and problem solve them, all this can be achieved by writing.
  • Writing helps with Decision-making and making better decisions and planning. In writing decisions/contemplations out, it helps you to strategise, plan, and be more organised. Some ways of using writing in decision making and planning include brainstorming, mind maps, pro’s and con’s lists, and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
  • Writing helps clear your Mind and eliminate stress. It is good for Mental Health and can be used as a tool to clear your mind and vent. Writing helps you think, achieve your full potential, and feel good. As with decision-making and problem-solving benefits, writing can help to clear thoughts and the mind for more useful purposes, which sounds like a great reason to write. Giving back more time for enjoying life, and creating more memories, brings us to our next point...
  • Writing helps you recover memories and keep memories alive. You can reminisce past events by journalling as a form of writing. In studying, as with the knowledge-building benefit, you write notes for knowledge retention. We can remember so much in writing, see how much you have achieved, how far you have come, learnt, and changed in life.
  • Writing gives a sense of accomplishment, especially when you can see your pages fill up with words. You might just surprise yourself with how much you could write when not planning on it. Who knows you could end up with a book and create an income.
  • Writing can give you a hobby, something to do, help pass time, or even generate income. Your sole purpose should not be to get an income and earn money as this can take a long time, although it may help to incentivise, you never know where your writing can take you and can develop into a career path.
  • Writing is a great way of exercising your mind and brain/mental capacity. Helping to keep your brain sharp and prevent or delay some mental illnesses, like dementia. Writing can enable you to accomplish a variety of personal, intellectual, occupational, and recreational goals. Benefiting and improving memory function, physiological health, emotional health and well-being, as well as happiness levels and feelings of happiness.
  • Writing helps you help others, as well as yourself! By sharing knowledge, information, and experiences in writing, it can give you meaning in helping others, even if it is just one person!

Love it or loathe it, everyone has potential to write. Writing need not require pen and paper, you can use digital tools and write on the go from notes on your phone app, voice-to-text software, and other all-ability tools. Ideas and solutions are endless with writing.

Whether you are writing to communicate with others, remember things, educate yourself, or help others, whatever your reason, you never know what writing can do for you. Why not give it a go and see where it can take you?

An office front window with neon sign saying “What is your story?”
“What is Your Story?” Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this article. Feel free to follow my profile so you don’t miss any of my upcoming stories. 😀

Happy writing!

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All text and images in this story are and belong to the author © Sally M. This writing is covered under the Copyright Act — © Sally M, who put a lot of time into writing this story. The author and Medium do not own any of the websites recommended. Due to copyright breaching on Medium, I am adding this text.



Sally M

An Australian writer and International traveller with a curious mind and a helping heart ❤️. I have an interest in Technology, Web Development, Travel and Life.