COLLETRIX; Revolutionizing the IP Industry

What will you feel when your content was stolen?

Czarina Delos Reyes
5 min readJun 5, 2019

When we published an article, content, or design on the internet that іѕ nоt protected with an Intеllесtuаl Property (IP) law, then expect that your work will be so easy to the stole. And in this kind of tradition, chasing those thieves is not that easy.

What is Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.

There are huge numbers of brands out there, and Today managing the IP rights is not that easy and a burdensome process. We know, there are many of you are content creators, and for us, it will just create an obstacle to coerced their rights over a content monetization, and when it happens to a licensed publishers and distributors, being a lack of IP accessibility, it creates a grey area that makes the third parties taking advantage and take profit from it.

" I love the opportunities that the internet provides" Animoca Brands Chairman, Yat siu explained. "But at the same time, it destroyed a form of creative expression. Because now, with the copy-paste nature of the internet, NOTHING IS UNIQUE, NOTHING IS SCARCE, EVERYONE CAN HAVE IT, EVERYONE CAN COPY IT."

The creation of Colletrix platform will present the industry’s first platform on which the original owners of IP can provide new lifetime licenses through tokenization. It will use the technology of Blockchain to revolutionize the intellectual property (IP) and merchandising industries IP, and creates a new market value that will be supported by the world’s today's most leading system of intelligent contracts Ethereum and As part of the launch in conjunction with Bitwork Accelerator, Colletrix will submit its application for an initial exchange offering (IEO) on several exchanges later this month.

Colletrix Ecosystem

Project Colletrix is a new business model consists of mutual beneficial relations between IP owners, merchandisers, collectors, every single crypto-heads and you.

The Original IP owners, the moment they received perpetual licensing fees from each trade of the NFT, it can thereby receive lifelong monetization benefits from their creations, long after they have been passed around.

The Consumers, by owning a digital asset along with their physical merchandise, cannot only support their favorite artists, designers, and brands (the original IP owners) but also enjoy the appreciation value of the NFTs stemming from the popularity of the designs.

By digitizing the IP economy and unlocking the true value to the original IP creators and the consumers, Colletrix will create an entirely new business model that combines the traditional and new economies, bringing out the best in both.


Colletrix is ​​a disparate token (NFT), which intended to be associated with the design of physical properties (“IP”) of physical goods. The project will be combined with IP, blockchain, and products to revolutionize the market for products using NFT, ERC-721 tokens and ERC-20 tokens, known as CIPX the Colletrix Tokens, which will create all the different ecosystems that bring favor more supporters.

The ERC-721 (NFT) technology will transform the IP creations or designs into digital assets, which can be paired with physical merchandise for sale as collectibles. The NFTs can then be collected and traded for resale by consumers on the reliable and secured crypto exchanges to unlock more benefits in the future.

The CIPX is a cryptocurrency with the ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all records related to CIPX is transparent that can be viewed in an Ethereum browser.

As a tradable cryptocurrency, the CIPX can be used in various situations, but it's real used in NFT purchases issued through the NFT Marketplace.

By introducing CIPX, Colletrix will provide a distributed infrastructure platform to pair with the NFT trading platform which will allow consumers to purchase different types of physical collectible merchandise through its expandable ecosystem.

When huge numbers of IP owner that will participate in this program, the merchandiser will be able to expand its range of products for physical goods in combination with the digital assets. The NFT market will attract the attention of collectors around the world, and the effect of a large and loyal base of collectors will increase the trading volume and increase the market prices for CIPX due to high demand, especially given that the number of NFT and CIPX is limited to a stable amount

The project is backed by Bitwork Accelerator, UNDONE, Animoca Brands and Future Arena.

UNDONE will deliver its expertise in collectible watch customization and merchandising, Animoca Brands will bring its strong collection of game and character IPs and gamification experience, while Future Arena will leverage its strong portfolio of sports/entertainment IPs and key opinion leaders - all to create a vibrant ecosystem of IP creation, trading and physical merchandising using blockchain technology.

Visit the official site or subscribe to social networks and Keep up with the latest news on Colletrix.


