The cave man effect

4 min readJan 13, 2022

what if there were certain traits that are so seductive that if you had them

pretty much no girl could ever resist you now the truth is that there are a

few master traits that if a guy possesses them will allow him to pretty

much choose any girl that he wants to be with now it’s important to remember that

every girl is different and the amount of attraction that a girl will feel

towards these traits will vary but there is such a thing as a few traits that if

possessed by a man are considered to be universally attractive and universally

irresistible so with that said let’s get right into it and when we look around

the real world we frequently see things that don’t really make a lot of sense at

first but once you dig a little bit deeper you’re able to see what’s really

going on it’s like when you look out there and you see huge mismatches in

value such as a really young attractive girl who is with a guy who does not

appear to have anywhere near the same level of value to offer

maybe the guy is actually a celebrity and he has an enormous amount of social

status or maybe the thing that we can’t see is that he’s actually a natural

alpha male but he just simply doesn’t look the part in a previous video i

talked about how different types of girls go for certain types of guys but

if you possess the traits mentioned in this video it’s kind of like having a

cheat code now the first universally seductive trait that a man can possess

is social status or ambition studies have shown that girls need to feel

protected by the man that they are with and a man with great social status is

more likely to be able to protect her than a man with little to no social

status but what a lot of guys do not realize is that ambition can actually be

just as seductive as social status because when you show that you have

great ambition or great drive the girl that you are trying to attract will see

that you will most likely have great social status one day even if you don’t

have it now because of that ambition and drive now social status or being famous is one

of the most seductive traits that a man can have and it’s considered a

universally attractive trait and what this means is that on average most girls

will find you at least a little bit attractive and the more social status

that you have the more attractive they will find you on average

next up is the second most seductive trait that a man can have that’s also

universally attractive but it’s actually a set of traits if you looked around

right now and every girl on the planet had some sort of attraction checklist

what you would find on these checklists is a list of alpha traits because most

girls find alpha traits pretty seductive to some degree traits like strength and

dominance are the two main parts of any alpha male and these two traits are

responsible for most of the reason why alphas get to basically choose any girl

that they want now the fortunate thing for most men is that alpha traits can

actually be learned and in fact you cannot simply be born with them some men

are just naturally better suited at playing the role of the alpha just like

some guys will always be better at playing video games just because you’re

really good at playing video games does not mean that you cannot learn how to

also be more alpha and the third and the most seductive trait that girls find

universally attractive is you guessed it confidence but here’s the kicker

confidence for men is like a master key because confidence is something every

girl finds attractive in the same way that we as men find a certain set of

specific proportions attractive within a woman

solid confidence in yourself and who you are is in fact the most seductive trait

that a man can have but it also happens to be the most elusive

a man who recognizes and who owns his flaws will always be a hundred times

more attractive the man who tries to cover them up or compensate for them if

you could choose one single trait to work on that would have the greatest

possible impact on how desirable girls find you the answer without a doubt

would always be confident but confidence is also the hardest trait to train

because it requires a huge amount of courage and throwing yourself into the

ocean and basically forcing yourself to learn how to swim alpha male traits

social status or ambition and pure confidence are the three most seductive

universally attractive traits that a man can possess so the more that you work on

these traits the more universally desirable you will become

More later….

