Does College set you up for Financial Debt?

Cassidy Maag
2 min readMay 19, 2024

If it does, is it worth it? YES! Here’s why…

Becoming a college student has become both my struggle AND more importantly: JOY!

However, do colleges toss individuals into a spiral of crippling debt in loans and tuition payments? Perhaps this appears to be the case for many students attending a college or university; but are the costs worth the gains? Here’s my thoughts:

  • While college can be VERY pricey there are ways to make it more affordable: FAFSA, Scholarships, and I hate to say it — Loans. Although…



Cassidy Maag

Hello and Welcome! I'm a fairly new writer and don't exactly have a niche. My writing will mainly be about nature, personal development, self-improvement, etc.