Bing Chat Insights on Web Pages

MaAnna Stephenson
2 min readMay 9, 2023


Bing Chat has access to the internet.

And you can use the CoPilot Insights feature to learn more about a specific web page too.

Let me show you how.

This is Part 3 of tips and tricks to make the most of Bing Chat.

Access CoPilot Insights

In the Edge browser, go to

In the top right, click the Bing Chat icon to bring up the CoPilot sidebar.

And then click the Insights tab.

Select site

Let’s do a search for grill steak.

Choose a post from the search results.

Notice that it opens in a new tab.


In CoPilot, you may need to click the refresh icon.

It will analyze the content of the web page.

Depending on the site, it can bring up things like:

Related products, like grills.

Then a Q&A section.

Then Key points.

Page topics.

Related videos.

More related posts.

Related searches.

And then insights about this site.

You can also choose to see insights about this specific page.

This is a super way to get keyword ideas from top ranking pages.

Switch Between Search and Chat

And let me show you another neat trick.

Return to your original tab for

In the left pane, you can access the full screen chat by clicking it at the top, or just scrolling up.

And it should start generating a chatGPT response for how to grill a steak.

Is that cool or what?

You can also return to Search by either clicking the Search link, or just scrolling down.

Have fun, and stay tuned to AIDiscoverHub for more tips, just like this one.

The article Bing Chat Insights on Web Pages first appeared on AIDiscoverHub.

Bing Chat Insights on Web Pages

