Do You Optimize for Google or Bing Now?

MaAnna Stephenson
2 min readMar 30, 2023


Do You Optimize for Google or Bing Now?

With AI impacting SEO now, we have to be careful how we optimize for search engines.

Here are the facts.

Google uses its AI engine to improve its search results and has zero intention of replacing them with a single AI generated answer.

When you compare searches on Google and Bing it’s clear that Google has way more link depth.

Google doesn’t want to waste crawl budget on posts with minor changes and it has been dropping ranking on posts that do that.

Bing wants us to let them know about any change no matter how minor the update was.

So the choice is whether to allow the Last Modified date to be changed when you do minor updates on existing posts, including images.

Here’s the thing.

Google is still, by far, the most used search engine, and ChatGPT being included in Bing is not going to overcome the fact that Bing search is lagging way behind.

So, me and my peeps are still leaning heavily toward doing SEO in a way that keeps Google happy with us.

See the Plugins page on BlogAid in the Content Revamp section for the 2 plugins you need to know how to use to avoid changing your last modified date so that Google does not drop your ranking when you make minor changes.

Better yet, get into the BlogAid DIY SEO course so you know how all of these AI changes impact your SEO.

