Go Devroom CfP — FOSDEM 2020

Maartje Eyskens
2 min readOct 14, 2019


Hi gophers,

The Go community has been represented at FOSDEM every
year since 2014, and 2020 will not be an exception!

This year again the Go devroom got a full room on Sunday February 2nd 2020
and we are now looking for speakers. The format will be 25 minutes talk
with some time for Q&A at the end.

This is a great opportunity for new speakers, and we will have people
helping you craft your talk and slides if so you wish. So if you, or
someone you know, are working on something cool that might be good on stage, submit a proposal!

Do you want to be one of them? Please submit your proposal using pentabarf. The deadline for submission is November 30th 2019 (23:59 UTC).
Should you need any help using pentabarf check out our “Guide to Pentabarf”.
If you want us to check whether your proposal came through correctly, you can always contact us at go-devroom-manager@fosdem.org.

Do you want to help organize the devroom? We need people to help with the
cameras and room set up. We are also especially looking for people to help with reviewing the proposals.
Please send me an email to
go-devroom-manager@fosdem.org if you’d like to help out with this.

Any topics related to Go are welcome, with a preference for open source
projects rather than product pitches. We value talks about how a given project uses Go rather than how a project written in Go is used.

As every year we will hold 5-minute lighting talks at the end of the day, this will have a seperate CfP and will be open till a few hours before. Please do not send those proposals into Pentabarf.

The room will follow Go’s Code of Conduct.

Maartje Eyskens
Francesc Campoy

