5 Acts Of Kindness

Aashir Zia
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Kindness is something very crucial for the survivability of a community. It is not necessary that you should do huge or major activities that show kindness. Even small and minor acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world. Here are 5 acts of kindness that I did today.

Helped my brother as he was painting our house’s doors

Preparing the base for painting

Last year, we shifted to our new house, which is still under construction. Mostly, we are done with the structure, but there needs to be some furnishing such as paints, decorations, etc. Today, my brother was painting the doors, and he asked me for help. Unluckily, I could only guide him on how to do it ( I never did it before) as I was busy with some of my stuff.

Motivated the shy kid in my class to speak up, and he did it.

Grace Time Academy

I am a part-time English teacher in one of the Academies in my area. Being a teacher means you have to face a new situation every moment. Students come from diverse backgrounds, and every one is unique in their own color. So, one of my students was the quiet kid in the class. Even when I spoke to him, he wouldn’t reply. For the last few days, I was focusing on him, trying to motivate him to speak, and today, he finally did it. Though it was just a few sentences, it is the start. He will soon be comfortable with it.

Helped My Sister With Cooking

This is a picture of me working in a kitchen, which I usually don’t do. My sister was cooking food for our family lunch and asked me to chop the tomatoes as she was running out of time. So, I only helped her with this, because, I am not quite good at cooking.

Offered water to my coach (I couldn’t get a picture of that)

So this is a very simple form of kindness, but it is also one of the most crucial forms of kindness — Respecting your teachers. Today, my coach called a meeting of the senior players of our club as we have a match tomorrow with one of our rivals. The meeting was about making a game plan for tomorrow's match. I offered my coach water, which is one of the minor yet worthy acts of kindness.

Offered lift to a person who was carrying a wheat sack to the mill (couldn’t get a picture of that)

I was going to the academy, and there was a guy heading somewhere on the road with a sack of wheat on his shoulder in the blazing afternoon. I offered him a lift on my bike, and when I dropped him at his desired place, his emotions were enough to motivate me to keep doing such minor acts of kindness.

This was all about the 5 acts of kindness that I did today. Hope it might be somehow motivational for you as well. Thanks for reading.

