Difference between Hiring & Recruiting


Diff between hiring & recruiting

Hiring and recruitment are two different things under the same umbrella and it’s meant to be the same for a longer period of time. It’s very important to understand the differences.

What is Hiring?

Hiring is a direct process, When your organization is in need of employees and wants to fill the vacancy it is called hiring. It’s simply a short term process inside the organization.

After the hiring part is over the employee enters the organization temporarily or permanently with some sort of terms and conditions. It starts when a new employee is being hired and still it continues until he/she starts working in that particular organization completing all the necessary processes.

What is Recruitment ?

Recruitment is a long term process and it takes lots of time and strategy to build. Only job is to recruit qualified candidates for the vacancy and provide the organization with the right people.

It’s the first process of adding new members for different roles or vacancies for the organization. Recruitment is done by informing the jobseekers in the public through advertisements or existing databases.

After collecting the applications from different candidates choosing the best resume with help of their soft skills and personalities helps to find the correct candidates who fit for the particular role,

Only after the interview, the hiring process starts and the organization have found their candidate to fill the vacancy.

Difference between Hiring and Recruitment

1.Recruitment is a long term process , attracting new employees for an organization and hiring is engaging the services for a job with the best suitable person.

2. Hiring is a process where selecting a right candidate among the group of people for the particular role whereas recruiting is the long process involving several other process

3. Recruitment takes place when there is a change in an organization and hiring is a part of the recruitment process.

4. Recruitment is the whole process and it’s the first thing looking for employees and hiring is the last process of recruitment

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We help the IT & non IT sector/organizations on recruitment, staffing & Payroll related services. We do have branches in India, California, New York & Delaware.