7 Creative Prompts For Your Journal (That Can Improve Your Writing Too)

Maaz Zulfiqar
3 min readMay 26, 2022


The habit of journaling can insanely improve your creative writing.

As a journal writer for the past three years, I can proudly say that the habit journaling has considerably improved my writing, and in fact journaling has become the biggest reason I ventured into creative writing.

7 Creative Prompts For Your Journal
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Some benefits of journal writing:

  1. It improves your writing
  2. It establishes your identity as a writer. Even if you write only in your journal, you are a writer nonetheless.
  3. Journaling has been proved to improve your mental health.
  4. Journaling can preserve your memories. You can literally travel back in time by just reading any old entry.

Hmmm… I get it. For many people journaling is not easy. Every time you sit down to write, you keep staring an empty page or blank screen. Basically, you don’t know what to write in your journal.

This is where journaling prompts come into play.

What are Journaling prompts?

Journaling prompts are topics or ideas that can serve as a starting point for your journal entry. It can be a word, a statement, a photo or any general trigger.

Actually, you can write about anything in your journal, but for the sake of this article, we are going to talk about creative journaling prompts that will not only improve your creative writing but also consolidate your habit of journaling.

Creative Journal Prompts

1. A Movie Review

Write a movie review of your favorite movie or the last movie you saw. It doesn’t have to be a professional IMDb/Rotten-Tomatoes kind of a review. Just write why you liked the movie(or why not)?

You can also write your favorite quote from the movie, your favorite character or your favorite scene.

You can also send this review to your friends when they ask for a movie recommendation.

2. A Song Review

Just like a movie review, write something about your favorite song or the last song you heard.

Write what’s special about that song. What kind of feelings it has invoked in you?

3. If You Could Live Inside Your Favorite Character

And what would you change about it?

Imagine If you were inside James Bond, what would you do differently? Would you drive an Aston Martin or a Ferrari or any other car?

If you were a Terminator, would your a brown leather jacket instead of black?

4. Write About Why you want to Write

When you are low on motivation for writing, write down the answer to this question.

You might already have some answers (e.g. I want to become a famous fiction write), but you will surely come up with some new ones. In this way, this self-reflection exercise will boost your motivation.

5. A Dream You Want To Live In

From time to time, we all have had those kind of dreams, that we wish were real.

It can also be one of your day-dreams.

Write about living in one of those dreams.

6. How The World Will Look Like in 50 Years

Or in 20,30 or even 100 years.

Expand your imagination and write something about el futuro (the future).

Will there be flying cars in 2070? (Hope not out!)

Will there be a colony on Mars by 2050? (All bets on Musk)

How fast will internet be by 2040? (Faster than 2022)

And last but not the least, will human be able to build a time-machine?(Lets’ hope they build something like DeLorean)

7. The Most Interesting Person You Can Think Of

It could be any famous personality or even one of your family members, dead or alive.

If you get a chance to meet that personality, what would you say to him? Write questions you would ask in the interview.

Imagine interviewing your great-grandfather. How about a session with Tom Cruise. What would you ask? (I will ask Cruise, ‘When are you getting old?’)


Copy these prompts in your journal and write about a different prompt every day, for the next seven days. In this way, you will able to flex your creative muscles for a full week.

