How Do You Solve a Problem Like Donald John?

Bob Mabry
3 min readDec 10, 2018

Early in The Sound of Music, the nuns sing “How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria?”, and, later, (spoiler alert) in a scene that becomes more horrifying the older I that I get, the same tune is the theme at her elaborate wedding to the Captain, who is in a formal Austrian Naval uniform.

Really . . .

This is the solution? Going from the cloister into a marriage to a military man where she will become the stepmother of seven children? Still, the real-life Maria von Trapp made a similar choice for what she thought were good reasons at the time. I imagine that it must have been a very hard decision for her. The real-life Captain von Trapp was not as young and handsome as his avatar in the movie, and the real-life marriage was not so much a love match as it was in the movie.

Why and how is he a problem?

  1. He is a tool of Russian president Vladimir Putin and puts their international interests ahead of ours.
  2. He is a tool of the Saudi royal family and puts their international interests ahead of ours.
  3. His tariff policies are going to fail as tariff policies always do, increasing the cost of living for all of us, including his supporters, and killing jobs.
  4. He may involve us in a war that we should avoid.



Bob Mabry

B.A. philosophy, appellate & criminal lawyer, writing teacher & student, east Texan, species survivalist, languages amateur, seeking truth and beauty.