Mabule Junior Lekete
3 min readAug 7, 2023

Discover the Hidden Secrets of the Vatican MuseumsA Must-Visit Destination for Art Enthusiasts, History Buffs, and Curious Travelers Alike

The Vatican Museums, located within the city-state of Vatican City in Rome, are a treasure trove of art, history, and hidden secrets. With over five million visitors each year, these museums are a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts, history buffs, and curious travelers alike. While the museums are known for their extensive collection of priceless artworks, there are also many hidden secrets waiting to be discovered within their walls.

One of the most fascinating secrets of the Vatican Museums lies hidden within the Sistine Chapel. While the famous ceiling painted by Michelangelo is a sight to behold, few people know that there is a hidden entrance within the chapel itself. This hidden door, known as the Vela Door, leads to the papal residence and was used by the pope to enter the chapel without being noticed by the public.

Another hidden gem within the Vatican Museums is the Gregorian Egyptian Museum. Tucked away in a corner, this museum houses a remarkable collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts. From statues of gods and goddesses to mummies and hieroglyphic inscriptions, this lesser-known museum provides visitors with a glimpse into the fascinating world of ancient Egypt.

While exploring the Vatican Museums, visitors should keep an eye out for the various secret passageways that connect different parts of the complex. These hidden corridors were once used by the popes to move between different buildings without being seen by the public. Although most of these passageways are closed to the public, some can be glimpsed from certain viewpoints, adding an air of mystery to the museum experience.

One of the most intriguing secrets of the Vatican Museums lies within the Gallery of Maps. This gallery, adorned with intricately painted maps of Italy, holds a hidden message. If one looks closely at the frescoes, one can find small figures appearing to make barking or growling faces. These images were believed to have been carved into the walls by the artists to voice their displeasure with the demanding nature of Pope Gregory XIII, who commissioned the gallery.

The Vatican Museums also house a fascinating collection of ancient Roman statues, which were once part of the private display of the Roman Emperor Hadrian at his villa. These statues, known as the Cortile della Pigna, depict gods, emperors, and mythical creatures. Tucked away in a quiet courtyard, this collection offers a serene and intimate environment to admire the artworks.

Another hidden secret of the Vatican Museums is the collection of Papal Carriages and Vehicles Museum. Located within the Vatican City, this museum showcases a collection of antique vehicles used by the popes throughout history. From ornate carriages to modest vehicles, this hidden gem provides visitors with a unique glimpse into the transportation history of the popes.

Lastly, the Vatican Museums hold a secret garden that is often overlooked. The Vatican Gardens, spread over 57 acres, is home to beautifully manicured lawns, fountains, orchards, and a plethora of rare plants. A haven of tranquility within the bustling museum complex, the Vatican Gardens offer visitors a peaceful respite from the crowds and a chance to connect with nature.

The Vatican Museums hold many hidden secrets that add to the allure and mystery of this world-renowned institution. From hidden passageways to secret messages in frescoes, these hidden gems offer a unique and captivating experience for visitors. So, the next time you visit the Vatican Museums, keep your eyes peeled for these hidden secrets and embark on a journey of discovery within this extraordinary cultural and historical treasure.

Mabule Junior Lekete

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