Mabule Junior Lekete
3 min readAug 12, 2023

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: A Wonder or a Myth?

Exploring the Mystery and the History of the Ancient Marvel

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon have long fascinated historians, archaeologists, and historians alike. Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, these vibrant and exquisite gardens are shrouded in mystery and have captured the imagination of many for centuries. While no archaeological remains have been found to definitively prove their existence, the fantastical descriptions of the gardens have left us intrigued about their design, purpose, and location.

According to ancient texts, the Hanging Gardens were built in the 6th century BC by King Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, Queen Amytis of Media. Legend has it that the queen, a native of the fertile lands of Media, was homesick for the greenery and beauty of her homeland. In response, the king built an extraordinary garden, reminiscent of her homeland, atop a series of terraces.

The gardens were said to have been a remarkable feat of engineering, with lush flora and fauna. The terraces were built with stone walls and layers of mud bricks, giving the appearance of an ascending green mountain. Water was supplied from the nearby Euphrates River using a complex system of irrigation channels and mechanical pumps.

The architecture of the Hanging Gardens was reported to be awe-inspiring. Tall, flowering trees, expansive lawns, and cascading waterfalls were said to grace the garden's terraces. Fragrant flowers, colorful vines, and exotic plants from all around the world were also rumored to be part of the breathtaking landscape. These descriptions have fueled the imaginations of many, envisioning a paradise-like setting that blended nature and human creativity.

Despite the fascination and numerous accounts of the Hanging Gardens, their precise location remains unknown. In fact, some scholars argue that the gardens might not have even existed at all, suggesting that they were simply a product of ancient folklore and exaggeration. However, the majority still believe in their existence, as the accounts come from reputable historians of the time.

The most widely accepted theory suggests that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located near the ancient city of Babylon, which is present-day Iraq. Babylon was known for its remarkable architectural achievements, including the Ishtar Gate and the Tower of Babel. However, due to extensive warfare, conquests, and the passage of time, the precise location of the gardens has been lost.

Intriguingly, recent archaeological excavations in Babylon have revealed evidence of complex irrigation systems, leading some researchers to theorize that these might have been part of the infrastructure supporting the gardens. Additionally, ancient texts describe the gardens as towering above the city, suggesting that they were built on elevated terraces. This aligns with the topography of the region, which is known for its flat plains.

While the Hanging Gardens of Babylon continue to elude us, their legendary status and captivating tales have made them one of the most enduring enigmas of the ancient world. The complex engineering, architectural grandeur, and lush greenery associated with the gardens spark our imagination, transporting us back to a time of opulence and enchantment. Whether myth or reality, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon continue to captivate and fascinate, reminding us of the boundless possibilities of human creativity and ingenuity.

Mabule Junior Lekete

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