Firebase custom domain verification with Namecheap DNS

1 min readFeb 19, 2018

So i received a message that i still needed to verify my domain ownership — odd, because two weeks prior i thought i had covered my Firebase custom domain verification. I double-checked i followed the Google instructions verbatim, going so far as deleting and re-entering the records, yet after a few hours, still no luck.

Enter doing the tried-and-true thing of Googling, but really hitting up good ol’ StackOverflow. It was suggested and deemed true by other members that this works with Namecheap BasicDNS:

1) For the TXT record with google-site-verification, change the Host value from “” to “@”;

2) Additionally, create a CNAME record with Host value of “www” and Value with a value of “”. After about 10 minutes, i tried verification again, and voila it worked!

Screenshot below referencing what i mean above.

I love Firebase. But Firebase custom domain verification documentation, especially for Namecheap DNS, needs some work — and i want this to be an adequate appendage. If you have any other things to add, please comment below or drop me a line.


Originally published at on February 19, 2018.




Web developer. WordPress enthusiast. Published writer. New Orleans-based.