8 lessons that left me Stranger Things to apply in a Startup

Maximiliano Carlucho
5 min readNov 3, 2017


Stranger Things is not only an excellent series of the best of Netflix, but also leaves us points to analyze and apply in our startup.

If you’re the kind of person who saw the second season in less than two days, welcome to the club. If you haven’t seen it yet, you don’t like it, you won’t tell anything about the story, so you can accompany them to read this.

1. Good marketing is important but without a good product it is nothing.

The strangest things, from Advertising in the media, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and the list goes on.

But the creators of Stranger not only made an excellent marketing, which is very admirable, but they also made a great product. It is one of the best series that Netflix has released so far.

Our startup can use the best marketing strategies but if we don’t have a product that catches the user and generates value, good marketing will not work.

2. The team is everything.

As in your beginning, Stranger is solving a problem, a big problem, and clearly a single person can’t with that, in your company happens the same thing. Whatever problem you’re resolving, you won’t be able to handle it alone.

It sounds like a cliché but I can’t do it alone, having a team is the most important thing you’re going to have and how I can win the best care. Together they will be able to do great things, if you take care of them they will take care of your customers.

3. The person who plays in the first serves but without a team without going far.

We all love Ce, u Once, she doesn’t have a normal human being, has unique abilities, has powers that facilitate or help in certain situations but this doesn’t mean much, no matter what, she needs a team to solve the problem.

If you have a top player, as Steve Jobs called her, it’s not going to be enough to accomplish something big. No matter how much crack your player needs a team to go with him.

4. Everyone on your team is equally important.

Contributing meaningless ideas is a daily routine in the series, often connecting ideas with your favorite board games. The synergy of these ideas, most of the time, the great idea, the great solution.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, has a team that has the same importance when it comes to solving a problem. Do not underestimate anyone, listen to everyone’s ideas, even if it is in the last link and new sea. I never know what the other person can bring, or what can come of it.

5. Problems never stop disappearing.

If in the first season you thought that the big problem was solved is because you didn’t see the second one yet. In your company the same thing happens, you solve one problem and another, even more complex appears.

I’m sorry to tell you something, the problems will never go away, after all, you already have another problem to solve more than one problem at a time. The important thing is this, the important thing is to know how to handle these problems and more importantly, it is to find and execute the best solution.

6. Follow your intuition, even if no one’s in favor.

When a body was found in Hawkin’s creek in the city of Hawkin, it was thought to be Will, but Joyce, his mother, sensed that her son was still alive. She followed her intuition, what the heart told her. And guess what? Will was alive! (Or half alive)

“Ten the courage to follow your intuition and heart.” -Steve Jobs

If your heart and intuition tell you something, follow it. Follow me for as long as no one understands you. Follow me no matter how much they think you’re wrong. Your heart and intuition, in a way, know what you want, you like them, but I don’t understand.

7. If you’re afraid, do it with fear anyway.

Fear is in everyone, even your favorite favorites. Of course it’s gonna be there, it’s normal, it’s universal and it’s always gonna be there.

Yes, fear is normal, when launching a new product / unique I am afraid. Fear of rejection, of making mistakes, of social prejudice, and that’s okay, it’s normal!

The important thing is not fear, or only if we like to do what we want to do, the important thing is to manage fear, we must know how to manipulate it, use it in our favor. It’s not easy, I know, but it’s not impossible.

If he can, you can, and if you can you can.

8. Learn how to handle your emotions.

This applies not only to fear, but to all kinds of emotions. We have to learn to cope. But don’t worry, it sounds difficult but's in skills that can be acquired.

“Self-restraint requires self-consciousness plus self-regulation, the key components of emotional intelligence."

As the founder of a company, it is fear, anger, sadness, happiness, anger and even hatred. Knowing how to manage your emotions is a great skill that will help you to move forward.

This is the conclusion regarding what leaves us strange things to apply in our company, I hope it will serve you.

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